25| That was close P.P

844 17 1

Sorry this is only a short one <3
Y/P/N - your parents name.

You weren't meant to have a boyfriend. Your parents didn't allow it, however you rebelled against their words and fell in love with Peter Parker.


You awoke to the sound of tapping at your window, it was then that you realised it had been happening for quite a while. You contemplated getting out of bed before going to see what was wrong. Pulling back the curtain you became face to face with your boyfriend who had the biggest smile on his face. You opened the window and let him in.
Y/n: Peter what are you doing here? It's...
You looked at your clock.
Y/n: ... nearly 3am.
You whisper-shouted.
Peter: I just wanted to see you.
You rolled your eyes and smiled at him, how could you turn him away.
Y/n: you can stay but you have to be quiet, my parents don't know about you remember.
He nodded and put his finger to his lips implying he would be quiet. You laughed at him and hopped back into bed.

Peter stood by the window fumbling with his hands, not sure what to do.
Y/n: come on then.
Peter: oh-okay.
He took off his shirt and trousers, leaving him in his underwear. He crawled into bed next to you and placed his arm around your waist, holding you close to him. He kissed your shoulder and neck before closing his eyes and attempting to go to sleep. You smiled as you soon felt his soft snores against your neck. Soon you were asleep too.

Time skip...

Y/P/N: y/n are you up?!
You quickly sat up and looked around, Peter was still asleep next to you.
Y/n: uh- wait a second!
You shook peters shoulder to try and get him to wake up.
Peter: what?
He replied groggily.
Y/n: quick you've got to get up!
Y/P/N: y/n what are you doing in there?
Peters eyes widened and he got out of your bed, he started picking up his stuff.
Y/P/N: I'm coming in.
Think y/n think.
Y/n: hide under my bed!
You whispered, hoping that your mum/dad wouldn't see him. You walked to your chair and picked up your robe, wrapping it around you.

Y/P/N: what took you so long?
Y/n: I was going to get dressed...
You said, slightly looking around your room. You began to panic when you saw one of Peters shoes at the end of your bed. Slowly walking over there you tried to kick it under your bed. Your mum/dad watched your every move.
Y/P/N: are you sure your alright?
Y/n: yeah I'm fine.
You smiled, trying to be as convincing as possible.
Y/P/N: well I'm going shopping so I was wondering if you wanted anything?
Y/n: no thanks, I'm okay.
Your mum/dad walked away and you closed your door before letting out a sigh.
Y/n: you can come out now.
Peter: that was close.
He said, holding all his things in his arms.
Y/n: do you want to get dressed?
He blushed and looked at the clothes in his arms.
Peter: Oh, uh-yeah.
You laughed at him and walked back to your bed sitting on the edge of it. That really was close, you thought.

Time skip...

You stood up and kissed Peter, you didn't realise how much you had missed him.
Y/n: I love you, Peter.
Peter: I love you too.
He smiled before getting ready to climb back out your window.
Y/n: my mum/dad isn't here, you can just use the door.
You giggled and opened the door for him.
Peter: but I'm spiderman.

Thankyou for reading!!

Please if you have any requests then send them in! Or send them to me via my insta: @marvel01holland :)))

- A


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