28| I almost lost you P.P

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Sorry for not updating in a while <3

You were preparing for yet another battle with the avengers. You had no idea what you were up against. You only hoped the job would be quick.

You were talking to Tony about what to expect when you arrived. He was very helpful with that subject. He fumbled in his pocket before pulling out a small bottle.
Tony: this will help any injury, this can also bring back someone who dies, but only if it's in the first five minutes of the death.
You nodded your head and thanked him, he walked away to the jet to put on his suit.

You spotted your boyfriend Peter also preparing for what was about to happen.
Peter: nervous?
Y/n: a little.
He looked you in the eyes and held onto your hand.
Peter: hey, uh, can I just say that I'm worried about leaving you. I don't want you to get hurt.
Your heart swelled in your chest at his words, you looked down at your feet, your gaze returning to his face.
Y/n: I promise I'm not going anywhere.
You quickly kissed his cheek causing him blush.
Peter: I also promise that I'm not going anywhere, okay..?
Y/n: got it spidey.
You flashed a toothy smile at him before jumping into the jet to head to the destination.

Time skip...

All hell was let loose. Aliens and creatures you'd never seen before surrounded you and the rest of the avengers. It was a place you wouldn't wish for your greatest enemy to go to. Linking your pinky with Peters you winked at him.
Y/n: see you on the other side.
With that you ran towards the death site in front of you.

Time skip...

The only sound to be heard was the clashing of metal and the shots of guns. Having just killed the monster in front of you, you stopped for a few seconds. Your eyes scanned the scene for Peter. You spotted him fighting with something at least five times bigger then him. You could tell he was getting tired, his punches and kicks getting weaker and weaker. The monster used a machine as a bat, sending Peters body flying through the air.

You watched as he fell from the sky, nothing around him to web on to. Your eyes began to tear up as a rush of adrenaline ran through you, your heart beating fast as the panic began to set in. You had to get to him, you had to fight through the evil.

Using all your strength you kicked and moved your way through the crowd of monsters. Pulling the knife from your waist you stabbed it into the chest of the creature in front of you.

Moving your hair from out your face, you picked up a gun that had been left loaded on the floor. Using up all the bullets you killed as many monsters as you could. You had never felt more alive.

Time skip...

You ran towards Peters body, a quick breath escaping your lips as you fell on your knees next to him.
Y/n: Peter?!
Muffled wheezes escaped through his mask, yet there was no answer from him. You pulled his mask off revealing his bruised and broken face. His curly hair stuck against his sweaty forehead. His eyes were shut as the short, quick breathes continued to leave his mouth. Placing your hand carefully on his chest you felt the faint beating of his heart, the rhythm occasionally picking up speed before dropping again.
Y/n: Peter...
You whispered, you could tell he was hurt. You removed your hand from his chest to see the blood that was seeping through his suit. You teared off part of your suit to try and stem the bleeding.

Suddenly, you could no longer hear the sound of your boyfriends breathing. Your own breath got caught in your throat as your eyes wondered to his closed ones. His skin was a lot paler than before, the colour continuing to drain from the place that once held the happiest of smiles.
Y/n: no... no! Peter wake up!
You shook his shoulders, tears now streaming down your blood and dirt stained face. You placed your head against his lifeless chest, a sob escaping your lips.

Unaware of the thing that would help him most, you crossed your arms over your stomach. You almost stopped crying immediately as you felt the bottle against your suit. How could you be so forgetful!?

With shaking hands, you unscrewed the bottle and slowing poured a small amount onto his lips. The liquid managed to make its way into his mouth, you held your breath again waiting for the magic to happen. You grasped his hands in yours, just hoping for a reaction.

Maybe it was too late.

You tightly squeezed your eyes shut, more tears threatening to spill. You felt like an idiot, you were too busy giving up on hope to remember the one thing that would bring him back.
Y/n: why aren't you waking up..? Please come back.
You muttered, you could hear the landing of boots hitting the floor. You looked behind you to see Tony, the rest of the team standing behind him with sorrowful looks.
Y/n: he's not waking up...
You cried, Tony went to step forward but thought it was best to leave you to it. He hadn't given up hope in Peter, he never would.

You looked back at your beloved boyfriend, your hands rested against his cheeks, your thumbs slowly and gently caressing the area underneath his eyes.
Y/n: c'mon Pete, don't leave me now.
Your forehead was resting against his as you prayed for him to come back.

Meanwhile, Steve tried to help you out. Tony put his arm out to stop him.
Steve: Tony, don't you think we should help her?
Tony: it's going to work, I believe in them.
He removed his arm as everyone continued to watch on. An eerie silence filling the air that once was an active battleground.

Y/n: I love you, so much.
You pressed a kiss to his cold lips. Suddenly you heard a gasp, your heart in your throat as you looked down to see Peter blinking.
Y/n: peter?! Your alive!
He began to cough, lifting his arm up to touch his head. His brown orbs opened to look into your now puffy, red eyes.
Peter: y/n?
His voice broke. You slowly but quickly helped him sit up before enveloping him in a bone crushing hug. You felt him relax into your, his hands tightening around your waist.
Y/n: I thought I lost you.
You mumbled into his neck.
Peter: you'll never lose me. I promised.
He pressed a small kiss to your lips before trying to stand up. He stopped to look up at Tony whose hand was offered out. He grabbed it and Tony helped him up. Stumbling slightly, Tony caught him, before also bringing him in for a bone crushing hug.
Tony: nice to have you back kid.
Peter: glad to be back.
A smile was shared between the pair before peter turned back to you, mask gripped in his gloved hands.
Peter: let's go home...

Hope you enjoyed!!

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