Rebirth | Tokitou Muichirou

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"I give you this to take with you:
Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting."
― Judith Minty



(Y/N)'s voice was blocked by the water that suddenly entrapped him upside down. He attempted to thrust his blade into the vase of water, but to no avail. It was useless.

"Just hang in there!" she shouted. She struggled under the Upper Moon's attention: parrying and dodging every attack with pain rushing through her body. (Y/N) already has the poison running in her veins. Her limbs were starting to lose its feeling.

Muichirou tried to unleash a thrusting breathing technique this time, but it still didn't budge. The last of the air in his lungs were used in vain at attempting to break free.

"Ngh!" Panic started to rise from his chest at the sight of his significant other receiving gashes from her opponent.

Gyokko grimaced, "You're too weak. Someone like you is not worth for the almighty Gyokko's attention." The Upper Moon Five unleashed a ginormous fish-like creature in the vicinity, hovering over the demon huntress.

(Y/N)! (Y/N)! (Y/N)! Muichirou eyes were wide. His chest was starting to hurt and the suffocation was slowly killing him.

She tightened her grip on the katana, looking up in the opponent. She started to dodge the assaults of the enemy, countering it with a breath technique of her own.

In the corner of her eyes, she saw Kotetsu moving to save the Mist Pillar from his struggle. Her footing faltered from the effect of the poison, receiving a deep cut in her left arm. She gritted her teeth in pain.

"(Y/N)-san!" shouted Kotetsu, witnessing how she struggled at the demonic creature.
The girl said, "Don't mind me! Get Muichirou out of that thing!"

Kotetsu nodded, moving swiftly towards Muichirou.

Muichirou tried to warn the young Kotetsu. The fish-like summon stabbed Kotetsu in his vital point: the solar plexus. This didn't escape (Y/N)'s vision. "Kotetsu-ku-AGH!"

Muichirou's attention was stolen. His heart dropped at the sight of his beloved impaled in her right chest. (Y/N)!

With the last amount of strength, Kotetsu raised his red mask and blew into the water basin. Muichirou inhaled the bubbles of air and unleashed a breathing technique.

Forcefully pushing her body to its limit, (Y/N) finally cut off her opponent's neck at the sight of the opening before her body succumbed to the poison and the fatal injury. The demon disintegrated as her incapacitated body collapsed.

"(Y/N)!" Muichirou caught the girl's battered body. The numbness was slowly seeping into his body as his lungs ached. He cradled her in his arms. Tears brimmed his mint green eyes as he only thought of her survival. (Y/N) is strong. I know she can pull through. I know...

Muichirou was only convincing himself.

His heart is clenching in pain as he witness her coughing fits. Blood flowed freely from her wound and mouth. He hastily applied pressure on her wound. He assured, "You're going to be alright. We're going to get through this."

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