ANNOY | Hashibira Inosuke

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Inosuke x Demon!Reader from 

appy Reading!


"It's okay to be annoying sometimes."


"Huh? A kitten?"

You looked up to see a small kitten purring, as if it was asking for help, on top of branch of a tall tree. You noticed just how high the kitten is and you were really worried. "D-don't jump! Whatever happens, DON'T you dare to JUMP."

You skillfully climbed the tall tree until you reached where the kitten is. The branch moves so little as you gently landed on it. Slowly, you started to crawl towards it. The kitten sensed you're a dangerous person and started to hiss at you while backing up to the edge of the branch. "Oi! Don't move!"

You just wished the kitten will listen to you. But, unfortunately, they don't understand human language.


You were able to grab the kitten right after its feet slipped. The kitten let out a noise. You jumped from the tree and landed on the ground, where you were minutes ago.

Didn't I told you not to move? Stupid kitten!"

The kitten started to claw your face. You just groaned and let go of the mammal. The scratches healed by itself and soon the traces disappeared like it wasn't even there. Your red eyes narrowed as you watched the kitten ran away. You mumbled, "The kitten didn't even thank me."


"Wtf?" You turned towards the direction of the loud and annoying voice. You jumped from one branch to another to check who is the owner of the voice. As you neared, additional voices started to enter your earshot.

"That's a kitten, ugly boar."

"Don't fight the poor kitten, Inosuke."

A playful and mischievous smirk came across your lips. You positioned yourself to a more comfortable pose.

Inosuke was about to strike at the kitten when a rock hit his hand and knocked his blade out of his grasp.

Tanjirou was alarmed, "Where did that rock come from? Is it a demon?"

Zenitsu screamed, "A-A DEMON???"

Inosuke grew irked at the strike he thought it was from the kitten. "Why you—!"

The kitten calmly sat in front of Inosuke, enjoying the show. The next rock landed on Inosuke's head. The force of the rock made Inosuke land on the ground.


Zenitsu corrected, "IT'S KITTEN NOT KID PEN!"

You were so engrossed in enjoying the scene that a giggle slipped past your lips. Zenitsu heard your giggles and looked at your direction. You literally gave yourself away.

Zenitsu asked, "W-w-w-who's t-t-there?" 

This caught Tanjirou's attention. Inosuke still has his focus on the kitten. You saw Inosuke was about to hit the kitten so you used your powers to snatch the kitten away from Inosuke. Tanjirou and Zenitsu quickly pulled Inosuke away from where the kitten was. 

You sighed. This is inevitable.

You jumped from the tree you were hiding yourself in and stood meters away from the Kamaboko Squad. The vines that snatched and has the kitten neared you. You let the kitten go. You crossed your arms and asked, "What are you, Demon Hunters, doing here?"

Zenitsu screamed as Tanjirou assumed battle stance. You sighed, again. "Look, I don't have any suspicious busine—"


Inosuke charged at you, raising his chipped swords high in the air. You went to your battle stance and blocked the attack from Inosuke. This guy!

"Inosuke, don't recklessly attack!" Tanjirou scolded, following suit.

Your eyes flickered towards the burgundy-haired boy, who was about to hit you. "Tch."

Simpletons! Carelessly attacking while I'm speaking. 

You overpowered Inosuke and Tanjirou. The two were catching their breaths, obviously exhausted. You—with no signs of being tired at all—crossed your arms once again. With a huff, you said, "Now? Can I talk? It's rude to not let a lady finish what she was speaking."

* * *

It was quite some time since the Kamaboko's squad last stop by in your mountain. You explained to them that you drae your energy from the mountain and its resources, so you can't leave the mountain.

You were lying on the ground, watching the moon lit the stars-filled night sky. A soft smile graced your lips as the soft night breeze blew by and brushed your hair away.


A tick mark appeared on your forehead. The bats in the vicinity flew away. You rose from your spot on the ground before glaring towards the direction of the very annoying and loud voice. 

You took it upon yourself to protect the mountain, so you felt obligated to handle the situation. You stood up and went to the commotion in the forest.

"Ugh." You groaned at the fuss Inosuke was making. You never expected him to cause a commotion in the mountain at this time of night. What was he doing here anyway? 

You watched Inosuke chased down the deer with crossed arms and an annoyed expression. "Stupid Boar, what in the hell are you doing?" 

Inosuke stopped to turn and looked at you. The two of you were in silence as you were waiting for him to answer your question. 

Inosuke ran away and ignored you completely.

You hated to be ignored. You chased him as he continued to pursue the deer that got away from his sight earlier.  You shouted, "OI! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?! DON'T YOU JUST IGNORE ME!"

Thus, the start of something you never expected from Inosuke.

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