The Parallel of Me | Obanai Iguro

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Obanai x Child!Reader from -Neko_Otaku-
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"I want to die defeating Muzan, and I pray that it will purify my filthy blood. Then, if I am reborn as a human being in a peaceful world without Demons, I will tell you of my feelings for you."
—Obanai Iguro, Demon Slayer


How ironic. 

Obanai thought as he walked mindlessly into the streets of a village. He has been assigned to slay a demon that has been leading humans. A bitter smile came up behind the bandage that covered his scar.

He heard rumors about the village being led by a demon. He asked around, some of them cautious about their own words. After talking to a specific person, he already found out where the lair of this demon is.

Kaburamari slithered across his shoulders. Obanai was pretty sure his close friend is upset for not bringing Mitsuri with them. As much as Obanai wants to, he can't and he won't. He doesn't want the risk of his disgusting past being reveal—even a hint—to Mitsuri.

He stealthily followed the man he conversed with earlier. The middle-aged man was more than enough to give him away to the investigative Serpent Pillar. 

 His eyes widen for a moment, upon realizing this was a clan of human family and most of them—if not all—are men. Obanai find it almost funny.

As he trudged through the tatami floors, heading where the demon is, he heard a scream. Judging by how high its pitch was, he ran faster. E wondered why there was a girl amidst this masculine population of the clan.

Come to think of it, Obanai never saw a single female in this household.

He doesn't need to guess to know what happened to them.

He crashed through the sliding door, not caring who will be hurt in the other side. As soon as his eyes landed on the girl, his mind immediately processed immediately. He saw how the girl lose her balance and how hard she tried her best to get away from the hungering demon.

With one swift and clean cut across the demon's neck, he finished up the job. If this was a situation like any other else, he would've left immediately. But, now, he didn't. The circumstances here are different. Very different.

His heterochromia eyes looked down at the cowering girl. He scanned the girl before him. The girl's body has scattered bruises all over it, don't forget some cuts. She has (H/C) hair that looked awfully bad. The girl has her head in her knees as she hugged them. Kaburamaru already took off and crawled towards the girl.

Obanai grimaced at the sight. This girl reminded him of himself. He was reminded by the cursed blood flowing through his veins and the disgusting genes passed onto him. The girl reminded him of his gross past.

Still, he chose to approach the girl. He crouched down, reaching for the girl.

"Are you alright?" asked he. As soon as his hand made contact, the girl squirmed away from his touch. She was looking back at him in horror. He found out the girl has (E/C)-colored eyes. Obanai tried to reassure the girl this time. "No one's around, only the two of us." Not for long.

Kaburamaru hissed beside him, annoyed. The girl's attention was stripped away from Obanai and transferred to the ebony snake. Her features softened.

Obanai heard a distant pounding of steps. He took the girl's hands, his grip tight. The girl tried to break free from him. Obanai said, "I'm helping you. Stop resisting."

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