Truly Loved | Kamado Tanjirou

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Another Tanjirou x Reader from BlackKnightRadiant
Happy reading!


#LoveYourself #SelfLove

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#LoveYourself #SelfLove


"Please accept my feelings!" 

Tanirou lowered his body to a 90-degree bow. His burgundy eyes were fixed on her geta sandals. His heart was beating so fast and hard to the point it is almost the only thing he was hearing. His forehead was producing beads of sweat as some of it trailed down and drop on the dirt soil.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm very sorry."

The moment her feet left his sight, Tanjirou raised head, hopelessly watching with a crushed heart at her running figure, appearing desperate to escape him.

Tears were running down on her cheeks like a rushing river. She wanted to get away from here. She can't bear being with Tanjirou with who she was. She felt worse. She felt she doesn't deserve all the treatment, the love, or even the kindness Tanjirou shows to everyone. Tanjirou deserves so much more.

She's not worth of his time and love. And never will be.

* * *

She already rejected him and was actively avoiding him. So, why is he still here, following and pursuing for some worthless time with her?

"Go away," she spat, not sparing a glance at Tanjirou. She turned around, ready to leave. 

Well, she tried to leave.

Tanjirou grabbed her wrist and forced her to face him. He will not lose this chance to reach out to her, to reach her closed heart.

She was done. She snapped, "I already rejected you! Stop following me around! It's irritating..." Even as she yelled those harsh and cruel words, her heart tugged. It's as if she was the one affected by her own words.

It was true no matter from what angle you look at. She doesn't want him to go away. The only problem is her. She will only be a hindrance to their relationship if she ever agreed. Keyword: IF.

She was about to leave when Tanjirou grabbed her wrists desperately, not allowing another opportunity to slip from his fingertips. Tanjirou spoke, "I'm not planning on stopping! I know there's wrong... I'm so sure there's wrong."

His fixed stare on her eyes made her body uncomfortable, but her heart longed for it. The warm and kind burgundy eyes looking back at her with intensity. 

No. I'm not even worth looking at.

"Let go of me."


"I said let go!"


Tanjirou tightened his grip, making her wince in pain. "I want to know what is wrong. It's obvious I'm meant for you and you're meant for me, (Y/N). Please don't deny it."

Acting upon instinct, with a rush of strength, she was able to break free from his grip. She refuted, "No, Tanjirou! I'm not meant for you. And never will be. I'm not worth it—"

She was cut off by a kiss. Her body was sent into a state of shock that lasted more than it shouldn't be. She was brought into his arms that unforgivably invaded her body. Tears pricked her eyes. No.

"You're worth it, (Y/N). You're a million times and more worth it! You just don't understand or accepted it yet."

Tanjirou pulled away but still held her in his comforting hold. He beamed, "I'll do everything to make you feel you are truly loved by Kamado Tanjirou!"

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