Change Everything [1/3] | K. Tanjirou

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"Goodbye's are not one-sided, you know!"
—Poppo, Anohana



Tanjirou looked up from playing with Nezuko to see his father watching him with solemn eyes.

"(Y/N) has-"


Tanjirou woke up in cold sweat. He took a minute to even out his ragged breath. He sighed. I dreamt about it again.

"Nii-chan! Nii-chan! Are you awake? Nii-chan!"

Tanjirou scratched his head before shouting, "Hai! I'm awake already!"

With a smile plastered in his face, he started his morning routine.

"Braid my hair, Nii-chan!" Hanako said, hugging Tanjirou's waist with a pleading look on her face.

Tanjirou was brushing his teeth when Hanako approached him all of a sudden. He almost choked on his saliva with toothpaste. His words were muffled while speaking, "Why don't you want Nezuko-nee-san to do it?"

Hanako pouted as she looked up at Tanjirou's side. Tanjirou was a tall boy, being in his third year in Junior High. He would be transferring soon to find the perfect school suited for him.

Hanako was persistent, "But, I want you to do it, Nii-chan!"

Nezuko entered the scene and dragged Hanako away so Tanjirou can continue brushing his teeth. He almost swallowed the soap in his mouth.

* * *

Tanjirou saw Zenitsu with his friends, talking happily as they passed him in the hallway. His burgundy eyes followed his retreating back before it was swallowed by the frames of other students.

A frown never left his face as he closed his shoe locker.

"First one to the classroom wins!" Inosuke declared. He quickly changed his shoes, disrupting the others and causing a noise commotion early in the morning.

Zenitsu, not really in favor of the declared race, warned, "Not so loud! We'll get told off."

With a determined expression on his face, Tanjirou swiftly changed his shoes and went after Inosuke.

"Ugh, those three."

A giggle can be heard behind Zenitsu. (Y/N) passed by, her (H/C) locks trailing behind her elegantly. "The loser has to treat us!"


Tanjirou bitterly smiled, imagining the quiet hallways of his memories in childhood.

He turned to a corner and arrived at his classroom. Many people are already there, including Zenitsu. Inosuke can't be seen anywhere, but Tanjirou has a good idea where he is.

He greeted his classmates with his usual "Good morning" as he trudged the path to his seat.

Kanao was already there as if waiting for Tanjirou to arrive.

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