Feelings Restored | Tomioka Giyuu

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Another Uni!AU from yours truly.
Based on a dream I had last week.


"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
—Kahlil Gibran


This is the last thing you expected.

Standing before you, in the hallways of the university, with the same monotone expression, was Tomioka Giyuu, your former crush in High School.

Why is he here? Giyuu should be attending one of the prestigious university in Japan, yet he's here, standing before you with his study materials in his hand. He shouldn't be here. Tomioka Giyuu should be away from you.

You clutched onto your college ruled notebook, straight-out ignoring him and entering the lecture room of Social Humanities.

You couldn't believe your eyes. How can he be here? And why in the world is your heart beating so fast?! Girl, you can even feel your burning and blushing being in front of him. Giyuu wasn't supposed to be your school mate in anyway. You saw with your very own eyes his letter of acceptance from that prestigious university. And...

Why are you grinning like a high school girl all over again?! For God's sake, you thought your feelings for him is gone!

You placed your stationary materials on the spot at back of the room, heaving a sigh of relief. You couldn't wait to go home after this period.

"I wanna go home."

"Then, go home."

Another sigh escaped your lips, "I wish I coul—Gi-Giyuu!" Your breath got caught up in your throat. You didn't expect him there. And, he's taking the seat beside you. Holy shit! The seat BESIDE you!

Heart, please calm down.

It wasn't long when the professor of the hour entered and started the period right away. 

* * *

You were half into the lecture when you felt your stomach rumbling its pleas.

"I'm hungry," you mused. Though it was a low whisper, you didn't expect Giyuu to hear.

He handed you an energy bar. Surprise and shock are not the only reactions you wear. Deep inside, you were flattered, happy, euphoric, and many other things.

"Th-thanks." You started to unwrap the foil, expertly executing it without a sound.

"Don't get caught."

"Jesus, Tomioka. We're in the back. It's easy. I'm a pro here." The first bite was already in your mouth. You felt energized and alive at the food.

"You used to call me Giyuu." You only hummed. Shinobu doesn't like it when I call you by your name, friendless idiot.

You were jotting down the words of the professor you deemed great at teaching (which is rare nowadays), when you saw a hand from your peripheral trying to reach out. Then, it disappeared as soon as it came.


Soon, the class become a little boring, since a rather brave and bold student is sharing his thoughts about the topic of social experiment or something around that part. You don't care. It wasn't part of the scope anyways.

You must've crave for interaction as you initiated a conversation, "So, how long has it been?"

You can clearly tell that Giyuu wanted an exchange too. He answered, "About three years, I think."

"It's been that long, huh."

"You suddenly disappeared without letting me know."

Ah, the guilt is eating you away. "Family problems can make some significant adjustments." You faced him, "How about you? I thought you're attending Tokyo University." 

"Things happened."

It was silence again. You tried to focus on your notes, but the hand that keeps popping in and out of your peripheral is starting to get into your concentration. Heck, you almost lost it when you messed up the spacing on your notes.

Even though you tried to focus, the fact that Giyuu was there beside you was enough to break your concentration. You'll just go over your lecture notes later.

I can't wait for the bell.

As if on cue, the bell rang, making you jolt to stand, putting your materials away, and sauntering to the door. You really want to get away from Giyuu right now. You're heart wasn't having it. It took a lot of self-control not to grin like a creep earlier.

You were about to pass the gates of heaven out of the lecture room when you're hand was grabbed. You swore you almost lost your balance. Giyuu was holding your wrist, eyes cast to the floor.

Holy heavens. Giyuu is holding my wrist. Take me now. Wait. Why am I having these thoughts?!

You wanted to beat yourself over and over again. Your feelings seemingly to fuck up the whole process of moving on for almost three years. Maybe, you haven't moved on at all.

"Do you... want to get a coffee together?"

Your cheeks poofed red. Did he just asked you out to a date? Did YOUR CRUSH just asked you out on a date?!

Calm down, (Y/N). That is no possible way a date! It's just a catching up date! Yeah, a catch up.

"Why not?"

Giyuu smiled. You took a full fifteen seconds to compose yourself.

Giyuu said, "It's nice to see you again after so long, (Y/N)."


Just finished watching Hamilton
So many chills felt and tears shed.

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