Very Unlikely | Shinazugawa Sanemi

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A Sanemi x Pillar!Reader from Kpop_Trash76
Thank you very much for requesting.
I love your reactions at the previous part. Lol


"You were never a burden to me! Not even once!"
—Shinazugawa Sanemi, Demon Slayer


Who is she?

Tanjirou thought at the appearance of a very attractive woman in the Butterfly Estate. Zenitsu was uncharacteristically quiet and seemed to be stunned to silence by the beauty the woman behold. Inosuke... well, we all know what is his state at this point of the series.

The unnamed woman was talking to Shinobu wi an apologetic smile on her face. Later on, she was introduced to the two. "This (L/N) (F/N), the Earth Pillar."

"Pillar?" Tanjirou couldn't help but cover his mouth at the sudden slip. I didn't see her during the meeting.

(Y/N) smiled at him and Tanjirou swore his cheeks was burning. (Y/N) is really attractive. But her being a Pillar makes her deadly.

(Y/N) said, "You must be Kamado Tanjirou. I heard you landed quite a hit on Sanemi-kun."

F-first name basis? Are they close? Tanjirou can't help but wonder and get curious.

The Earth Pillar continued, "I wish I was there to witness that."

Shinobu clapped her hands, earning Zenitsu's and Tanjirou's attention. "(L/N)-san is here to help you in your rehabilitation training. I hope you use this opportunity well."

So, the Kamaboko squad used that opportunity at its finest. Even though they are somewhat motivated at the presence of a Pillar helping them, it didn't make her training less hard. It was torture and they have to endure that for like, weeks to a month. Her expression might be elegant and kind, but her actions directly doesn't support her intentions. That is what makes her scarier than the fact she is also a Pillar.

Tanjirou bowed in front of the Earth Pillar, expressing the words, "Thank you very much for your help, (L/N)-san!"

She replied, "You're welcome, Tanjirou-kun." Tanjirou raised his head and saw her trademark beautiful smile. Pretty.

Inosuke raised his hand, index finger pointing at the Pillar in a taunting manner. He declared, "You'll be on my knees next time!"

"Let's see."

Zenitsu got on one knee, holding (Y/N)'s right hand. He said, "Please marry me!"

"Gomen, Zenitsu-kun. I'm already with someone."

Zenitsu felt like his world crumbled right before his very eyes. His hands slipped from hers as he fell into the ground with a thud, reflecting on his actions. This was a new sight for Tanjirou. Normally, Zenitsu will still pursue a girl even if that same girl has a Fiancé. Poor Zenitsu.

With that, (Y/N) left with a mission to accomplish.

Tanjirou turned to Shinobu. He asked, "(Y/N)-san said she's with someone. Who could that be?"

Shinobu entertained the question, "That someone will be Shinazugawa-san."

"E-eh! The Wind Pillar?!"


Shinobu walked back inside the estate. Tanjirou was left thinking how the Wind Pillar was able to have a relationship with (Y/N), a polar opposite of his personality. He was left wondering what the beautiful Earth Pillar see in that violent person who just mercilessly stabbed his little sister three times.

Zenitsu came up behind him, "Who's that 'Shinazugawa-san'?"

Tanjirou answered, "He's the one who hurt Nezuko."

"WHAT? HOW?" Yeah, how? Thought Tanjirou. He shook his head and dismissed the topic. He turned around and went inside the estate, following after Inosuke.

Zenitsu whispered to himself, "There's no need to worry. Nezuko-chan is still the prettiest."

* * *

"(Y/N)-san, you're an angel!" exclaimed Zenitsu, taking the water from the Earth Pillar hands. She bestowed him her signature smile, which caused the male to blush.

As soon as she switched her gaze to the others, he felt a chill ran down his spine. He can clearly hear the anger radiating from a specific Wind Pillar. Zenitsu was lucky enough to be near her and away from Sanemi's fell clutch of beating.

(Y/N) just happened to be over at Sanemi's estate when the said guy was training the new hunters much to his dismay. There's no way he'll refuse to obey Oyakata-sama's orders.

"Why are you doing that?" asked Sanemi, once she approached him. She looked up at him, saying, "Why not? They're obviously tired and exhausted from the hell they put you through." A pout was evident on her lips. She added, "You're too rough on them."

"Why shouldn't I? You're not always there to give them water when they get tired," Sanemi refuted. A sigh escaped from the Earth Pillar's mouth. She gave him a small smile. It took all of Sanemi's will not to smile right then and there. He mustn't smile in the presence of others. He reserved his genuine and sincere smiles only for the girl in his heart.

Her hand intertwined with his. "You have a point." A pause of comfortable silence loomed over before she continued,  "If you want me to give you water as well, just let me know."

"W-wha—" Sanemi was cut off by a kiss on his cheek. She started walking away, "Love you."

Sanemi sent a quick wave.

"(Y/N)-san! Please don't go."

"Get your hands on those wooden swords!"

Tanjirou sighed. You should've kept your mouth shut, Zenitsu. 


I had to re-read chapter 179 for the quote and it still made me cry. UGH why the tears won't stop?

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