Before It's Too Late | Tomioka Giyuu

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"I have friends."
—Giyuu Tomioka, Demon Slayer


"I-I'll be trained by the Water Pillar?!"

Your face's temperature rises at the thought of seeing him every day. You covered your burning cheeks with your bandaged hands. You felt a ripple of pain from various points in your body, causing you to wince in pain.

"Don't move too much, (Y/N)-chan," advised Shinobu, who was—in clear contrast of your flushed state—calmly sitting beside you. She was fully-informed of your "little" crush with Giyuu. She's more than happy to play the Cupid for the two of you. It's also her time to shine her match-making skills. What would be the best approach than for Giyuu to train you every day?

H-how am I going to survive this? You thought. You uncovered your face, lay down on the bed, and pulled the covers over your head.

With the signature smile of hers, Shinobu said, "The demons are getting powerful every day, (Y/N)-chan. I highly advised you to train with one of our Pillars since you barely got out of your situation last time."

Your voice was muffled under the covers, "Why does it have to be Tomioka-san? You can just let me train with the Fire Pillar or with anyone."

"You want to be trained with Shinazugawa-san then?"

"NO!" A hiss escaped your lips at your abrupt rise from the bed. Again, Shinobu reminded you, "Refrain from sudden movements, (Y/N)-chan."


Can I melt and evaporate? I want to be with nature.

You were sitting on the engawa that overlooked the Butterfly Estate's garden. You're fully-healed and train-ready. The only thing that is missing is your trainer. You were dreading and excited at the same time. You just hope you're not about to faint at the sight of him. Speaking of which, where is he?


You were called by Shinobu. Obedient, you went to her aid and saw Giyuu standing a few feet behind her.

God, help me. I can't—

"Tomioka-san, this is (Y/N) (L/N). She's the one I was talking about."

Shinobu introduced you to Giyuu as you bowed in respect. Despite your fangirling inside, you kept your composure steady, though you don't know how long it will last. 

At first, you thought you were going to train in his estate. Too bad you won't know the location of his estate, so you can visit him anytime. Pfft, it's as if you have the guts to do that. You're too shy and you even lack the courage to simply approach him.

Ah, yes. He saved you once from a demon and that's where you fall into this depths of love-sickness.

You smiled at him. You felt it was a strained one since it took all of your will not to smile from ear to ear like a some freak girl. You said, "I'll be in your care, Tomioka-sama."

Shinobu left the two of you alone. The first thing he did is he pointed out not to mention his name with honorifics. He doesn't like it. Yikes, that's a minus point. But, you're simply expressing your respect to him. After all, you're just some middle-rank Demon Slayer. 

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