Office Work Mishaps | Tomioka Giyuu

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"I crown you the Queen of my heart."


You felt like shit.

Your head felt like its been treated like a nail; a hammer pounding into your skull. Your body was so heavy like you've been chained down by something or you definitely felt your weight. Your vision is spinning so much and you wanted to just stay in bed all day. The bed felt like the fluffiest thing you've ever lay on. You could just stay here forever if you want to.

Huh. You wonder whose bed is this? Your own bed can never be this so soft and warm no matter how much you prayed to the gods.

With a jolt, you sat up, head aching and not giving you relief any time soon.

"Where in the world am I?" you muttered. This room certainly isn't yours. It's way too rich for your own liking. Heck, the bookshelves full of manga and merchandise isn't there. The walls weren't decorated with the anime posters. Your messy cheap table was replaced by black slim table with a closed laptop on top.

Then, it came to you. Oh, shit motherfucker. Your first day on work. The heartwarming welcome party. The cakes. Sec. Kochou telling you to loosen up before plunging head first to hell tomorrow. Alcohol. Holy shit. The alcohol. Then, blank.

"Oh my god," you mumbled. Your eyes fluttered down. You realized your white dress shirt was open, revealing your black bra. Someone tell you where in the hell are your slacks? WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR UNDERWEAR???

You took a deep breath, covering your face in shame. Did you just go with some random guy in the company for a one-night stand? You can't even remember the name of the guy.

You need to think about your decision-making skills.

A very unpleasant feeling settled in your stomach. You rushed to the bathroom and threw up. As much as you want to take a day off today, there's no way in earth you're spending your first paid absent over some petty hungover.

You spotted a note on the nightstand. Along with it, a glass of water and a sealed tablet stood by. Reading the tablet, you guaranteed it was aspirin and drank it without any hesitation.

You can't seem to spot your things. Did you get robbed now?

You found a neatly folded shirt on the desk table beside the white laptop. When did that get there? You remembered it wasn't there before going inside the bathroom. But, it definitely meant you should change out of your dress shirt. It definitely reeked alcohol.

Looking presentable, you step out of the room and was greeted by the smell of butter and the slightest tinge of coffee. 

Did I land on the right man? You smiled, then you frowned. You shook your head in attempt to dismiss the thought. The fact that you just wake up from a one-night stand is already worse as it is.

You hate your drunken self.

You can't put a name or a face of the man who brought you here.

"You're up," the man stated.

Maybe you don't hate your drunken self after all.

Lo and behold, a very handsome man was prepping the table with breakfast: bacon and eggs with a coffee. Heck, he looked so good with that black turtle neck. It definitely brought out his deep cobalt eyes. His raven hair absolutely made you fall in love. He oh-graciously passed your very high standards for an ideal man.

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