A Relief | Uzui Tengen

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Uni!AU from yours truly.

Happy reading!


"And then I met you,
and slowly,
but all at once my
whole world began
to change."

-R.M. Broderick


A replacement.

She is only a replacement, just like he is to her. A substitute of the person they'll never have.

When he feels lonely, when he seeks the warmth of someone, he comes to her and her presence with no questions asked. She embraces him with her sense of comfort. It was like the comfort of his lover he never had.

The way she played with his hair. How the corner of her eyes crinkling every time she smiles. Her melodic laugh every time he cracks a joke. The passionate kiss they share. The feeling of her bare skin as his hand roams. And, how she would say "Tengen-sama."

She's the perfect stand-in for his lost love. She's the perfect clone of the woman he loves.

This is how their relationship started. They are only substitute of the person that will never requit their feelings.

A stand-in. A cover. A backup. A relief.

She's just like that. And yet, why would he feel like this? He shouldn't have this feelings in the first place.

It's painful.

* * *

Uzui opened the door and went out to the hallways of the university. He couldn't wait to dive into the warmth of his bed. He was tired. Tired of everything and sick of everything. The only good thing for him right now is the fact that he finally got out of his thesis period. He didn't know he had to go through this when he took sports management as a major. University is hell. Uzui is so fucking glad he's going to graduate in half a month.

He was descending the last flight of stairs when his phone vibrated in his pocket.

The message was from you, stating: Are you free? By that, you meant he either had plans to go out with his thesis mates or just want to be alone.

Uzui typed as he walked. He really shouldn't have done that as he just bumped into someone-scratch that. It wasn't just any someone. It was her-the reason why he had this confining relationship in the first place.

"I'm sorry-oh! Tengen-sama!" His ears perked up at the nickname. He didn't feel the same flutter in his heart, but instead he was reminded by you. Your voice that calls out to him when you're making out. "I'm sorry. Here's your phone."

She handed him his phone, muttering "Welcome," when Uzui thanked her.

"I didn't know you and (L/N)-san are a thing," she started. A smile was present on her cheeks, fully unaware of the pain she had caused him. It's not that he blamed her. It's his own fault for falling in love with her. Does he still like her? He isn't so sure.

"We're flamboyantly a thing for a while now," he stated. He fixed himself up.

"(L/N)-san is definitely lucky to have a guy like you, Tengen-sama," She looked down at her watch, "I really need to go."

"Yeah, yeah."

She smiled at him. "Please take good care of (L/N)-san!"

The exchange was short, but it was enough for him to confirm the answer to his feelings. Uzui is sure of his feelings now.

He finally let her go. He'll be fine.

Uzui will try to be fine.

The crestfallen frown on your lips as you gazed upon. He didn't need to know who you were looking at. With that solemn eyes he had grown to memorize, Uzui knew you were staring at the man that should have choose you as his girlfriend.

His steps slowed. Is it right to have these feelings now? He knew very well that you'll never reciprocate his feelings. Is he ready to endure the tug of his heartstrings? Is Uzui going to be fine being with you? You two are going out because the both of you are substitutes.

Is Uzui going to be okay?

He'll try. At least, he's with you now. It's better than nothing.

He watched you took a deep breath. He looked closely as you grinned at him, calling him over, "Tengen!"

He strolled over. You punched his chest, though you know very well it won't do anything. Curse his athlete career.

Uzui smirked, "What?"

"Don't ignore my messages! At least send an emoji or something to let me know you're..." Uzui took note of your lowering voice, "...busy."

Uzui hugged you, keeping you close. "Well, I bumped into someone. Very flamboyant."

A laugh was enough to keep his dampened mood to go away. Uzui said, "Is this enough to make it up to you?"

You pulled away from his embrace. You took a deep breath. "I actually have to tell you something."

Is this it? Are you going to end things here? Uzui was a "little" paranoid. You don't usually suddenly declare you had to say something. It made his heart pound with anxiety.

"I like you, Tengen."

His mind went blank. Did you just confess to him? Really? You reciprocate his feelings?

You fidgeted with your fingers. "Uh, I feel like I had to tell you." It was clear as day you were avoiding his gaze. "And... It's been a while."

As you looked up at him, he leaned close and fast to kiss your lips. That was a reaction you never expected from him. Uzui Tengen was kissing you! As you.

His hand cupped your cheek as the other arm wrapped around your waist, keeping you close.

"Got ya answer?" he asked, with a smile.

"Hey, I didn't think you feel the same."

"It doesn't take a genius to guess." He rested his forehead against yours. The warmth you were giving him is on another level. Uzui is happy for once.

"Let's start fresh, 'kay?"


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