Charmed | Kamado Tanjirou

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Video credits all goes to the original artist!


"I am bewitched with the rogue's company. If the rascal have not given me medicines to make me love him, I'll be hanged."
-William Shakespeare


"Thank you very much everyone! Good night!"

Tanjirou left the stage. You were still smiling brightly as you hid your lightstick, but not before giving it a sweet kiss. You turned to Zenitsu and started smacking him.


Fed up by your fangirl antics, Zenitsu said, "Stop! The concert's over!"


"Yeah, yeah."

"Be more enthusiastic, Zen-kun!"

"E-eh. Yeah! He's charming." You laughed at how Zenitsu tried-and failed miserably-to appear enthusiastic.

You were a fan of Tanjirou ever since he first debuted as an idol. Once your eyes found his in LED screen of your phone, you were sent spiraling down to his fandom. You admired at how charming he can get. His looks, his skills, his talent, his everything. You adore everything about him. You watch every interviews or any content about Tanjirou online and in stores. When rumors spread online, you cast a blind eye. It's normal for people who want Tanjirou to his knees. You were wrapped around his finger.

"Hey, stop daydreaming."

You chuckle awkwardly. You and Zenitsu were about to get separated. He needs to take a bus to go home, while you need to take the train. You two were on the road, ready to bid farewell with each other.

You gave him a grateful smile. "Thanks for coming with me today, Zen-kun. I really appreciate it."

"Yeah, yeah. You better have your boyfriend with you next time or I'll put his head on a platter."

Your mood went sour from the mention of your boyfriend. You two were not on good terms right now. He also doesn't support your fangirl self for Tanjirou. In fact, he hates it. Damn boys. They just don't get the life of a fangirl. The tragic of not being able to reach your idol. Oh, such tragic life!


With a wave, Zenitsu walked away to the bus station.

You looked down to your wristwatch and found it early to go home for the night. Maybe, I could visit (B/N).

With that in mind, you skipped towards your boyfriend's apartment.

* * *

Only to find him with an another girl.

You clenched your fist. You were hurt, but you didn't shed any tears. It's weird. But, why it seems like you were expecting this? This scene literally just came out from a movie.

What's more? He's not even denying it or defending himself. You just want to throw him and some "mysterious" girl from their balcony, sending them to Pluto.

"Miss? Miss? Are you fine?"

Your gaze snapped towards the man in question. He looked worried. "Yeah, I'm fine. I feel great."

Hands landed on your shoulders. You quickly turned around and saw another man looking at you with a malicious glint in his eyes. Right then and there, you felt you are a prey caught in the trap of your predator.

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