Concede | Haganezuka Hotaru

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A Haganezuka x Pillar! Reader oneshot from solostone6
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"Courage is the most important of all the virtues because without courage, you can't practice any other virtue consistently."

Maya Angelou


When Haganezuka first landed his eyes on you, he was immediately drowned by your beauty. Your (E/C) eyes mesmerized him. For the first time in his life, he didn't try to murder someone which is you, who broke his sword for the first time. Your beauty rivalled the most stunning swords he saw in his life. You are the most beautiful person that ever existed, even the word "Beautiful" is not enough to describe you.

Haganezuka was on cloud nine when he received the news he will be your swordsmith. He was very happy and honored—due to your Pillar status—at the same time. He swore he'll make the finest sword you'll ever have. Though, at the back of his mind, he wants you to break some of them so he can see you.

Being the kind and considerate person, you often visit him in the sworsmith village. You were contented with Haganezuka venting out his rant about his previous clients that break his sword.

"You're very passionate with your swords."

"I'm very sorry I broke your sword again."

"I promise I'll try not to break it again."

"It's good to see you, Haganezuka-san."

Those were some of the words that always echoed in his mind every time you turn your back to him, leaving the village for a mission. He was assured you'll always come back, feeling guilty and sorry for breaking his beloved sword. Being the same Haganezuka, he'll rant a long while, explaining and lecturing you the importance of his swords. You noticed he never once tried to murder you for snapping or chipping his sword. And, you were comforted by that.

But, what if one day you don't come back to Haganezuka apologizing for breaking his sword?

Surely, he can't take it. Just the mere thought of it makes him sick.

So, he's going to confess to you. It's now or never. He doesn't want this chance to slip away, otherwise he'll regret it forever.

"I like you, (Y/N)-san."

You were stunned into silence by his confession. This was the least you expected from him. It was so out of his character.

Every second of the deafening silence from you fuels Haganezuka's anxiety. What if he made the wrong move? Heck, if this goes south, it'll cost him your friendship. 

He feels so awkward. He wants to melt to the ground and evaporate to the clouds.

"That's a wrong move. Forget about it."

He turned away. He started walking. You desperately grabbed his wrist. He turned to you.

Damn, the look in his eyes makes you very guilty for being silent.

"S-sorry." You looked down, not taking the sadness in his eyes. Yes, he purposefully takes off his mask for this confession.

"I understand." He gently pulled his wrist from your hand.

"No, you don't understand. Y-you see..."

You cursed your shy nature. Saying those simple words makes you all nervous.

"I-I like y-you too, Haganezuka-san."

Haganezuka looked back at you with a shock expression. You still avoided eye contact with him. He can't believe it! You, a very strong and respectable person, like him. This must be a dream.

Thank the heavens, it is not.

Soon, his surprised expression was replaced with a smile as he lifted you by the waist. A squeal escaped from your lips.

He put you down and kissed you with utmost sincerity. You were taken aback by his affection but soon melted into the kiss right then and there.

I'm so lucky.

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