Weak Little Sister | Tokitou Twins

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"Siblings: your only enemy you can't live without."


"(Y/N)!" Muichirou was the first to call out her little sister's name. In his petite hands, a flower crown was dangling.

Her spirits were lifted at the sight of a cheerful Muichirou. Carefully, Muichirou placed the blooming bouquet on her head.

"(Y/N) is so pretty~ Oka-san!"

As Muichirou shuffle out of the house to find their mother, her sight was plunged into darkness, a slight pressure pushing against her eyelids.

"Guess who?"

She laughed, "Yui-nii!" The hands of Yuichirou left her face. He revealed a simple flower from his back. He commented, "Looks like Muichirou already gave the crown."

He placed the flower on top of her ear, a proud grin gracing his visage. "You're beautiful."

Her face poofed in red, completely embarrassed by her brother's compliment. "I-I'm not beautiful!"

Yuichirou simply laughed.

* * *

"Wow, (Y/N)!"

Muichirou held the now-fresh flower in his hands. He was surprised, amazed, bewildered, and happy. His sister just managed to bring the wilted flower back to life.

Muichirou praised, "You're amazing!"

As Muichirou turned to see her, his eyes widen in utter horror. His heart pounded wildly inside his chest and panic settled in.


He had no idea what to do, so he screamed for help. His little sister was collapsed on the ground, puffing out hot breaths and burning his hand with her hot temperature.

Yuichirou came rushing. "What happened?" His voice was shaking in panic and fear.

"I-I don't know. (Y-Y/N) was suddenly on the ground. A-and-"

Yuichirou decided on false hope. "It's alright. Everything's going to be fine. Let's go home."

The twins brought her home, surprising both of their parents.

"(Y/N)'s not gonna die, right? She's going to be fine, right?"

Muichirou was on the verge of tears. He could've paid more attention to her before she collapsed, maybe he would notice it and prevent it.

"(Y/N)'s going to be fine," their mother assured.

The patriarch ruffled Yuichirou's hair. The older twin was trying his best to remain calm, although it was clear on his face, he was dead worried as well. "You did a great job, Yuichirou. You too, Muichirou."

"W-what if she sleeps forever?"

"Your little sister is strong, Muichirou. Now, come on. Let's make her medicine," The lady Tokitou ushered Muichirou to the kitchen of their small house.

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