Don't | Tokitou Muichirou

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Muichirou x OC starring Akane Takanashi!
Thank you very much to Anon requesting this!




"If you just submit yourself to fate, then that's the end of it."
—Keichi Maebara, Higurashi: When They Cry


"Here!" Akane gave Muichirou a bag of cookies. He looked down at the neatly-wrapped treat then back at an expectant Akane.

She gave me again. Muichirou sighed subtly as he can, trying his best not to offend her—an uncharacteristic feat Muichirou himself doesn't realize. He pulled the string from its clean tie and opened the bag, revealing the mouth-watering treat. Nothing less from Akane-chan!

Akane watched enthusiastically watched Muichirou. As Muichirou munches on the delicious treat, Akane saw the flash of bliss in Muichirou's eyes. A satisfied smile appeared on her lips. Muichirou noticed the silence growing between them. He looked up, shortly said, "Thanks," and left. 

On the side, Mitsuri and Shinobu saw the whole exchange. Mitsuri chimed, "Tokitou-kun is a different person when it comes to Akane-chan, right?"

Shinobu nodded. She added, "It really means a lot to Akane." Shinobu started walking to go back to her estate.

"Huh?" Mitsuri saw Shinobu's smile was one of relief yet she saw a glimpse of bitterness in them.

* * *

These cookies are really good. Thought Muichirou, walking down the tatami floors of the Butterfly Estate. He's in Shinobu's estate to check if Akane's available. And, if she is, then they're going to spend the time together.

Muichirou recalled the moment she gave him a bag of cookies the previous day.

"Mui-kun, here!" Akane brightly took out a freshly-baked bag of cookies. It was morning and the two decided to spend the day together for they didn't have any missions. This was a rare opportunity, better take this chance.

Muichirou was annoyed by the fact she had so much energy in the morning. Plus, it's just dawn. Did she really just wake up earlier to make and visit him at this ungodly hour?

Somehow, Akane was able to read his thoughts through his expressions. Her wide smile fell along with her arms. She held the treat in front of her. Akane said, "It's fine if you don't want to—"

"I'll take them."

That simple statement from Muichirou made Akane's mood plummet to the sky. It's like she's an entirely different person moments ago. This, of course, is making Muichirou tiring just by watching.

"Come in."

Muichirou could only sigh, but he wasn't complaining. He is enjoying the treats she gives him and greatly appreciates her and her food. Muichirou could never get tired.

"How do you feel?"

Muichirou stopped walking. Curiousity invaded his mind. He silent peeked through the slight ajar of the door. His eyes caught sight of Shinobu's sitting figure. Across Shinobu is what he assumed is Akane—judging by the very familiar back view and the light-brown hair.

Akane was looking down when she answered, "Still the same."

Shinobu sighed. She held up a canister of pills. She said, "You can always approach me, Akane. You don't have to resort to his every time, please."

Akane only hummed.

Shinobu sighed again. She stood up, walked to Akane, and gave her a hug. She was whispering something Muichirou couldn't make out.

After Shinobu retracted, Akane started to walk out of the office. Muichirou positioned himself to the center of the hallway, acting as if he's walking past Shinobu's office. It was one sentence, but it was enough for Muichirou to know what's going on.

"Don't do anything that will harm yourself."

Muichirou bit his lip.


Muichirou was so caught up in this revelation that he forgot Akane was out of the office. He looked at Akane.

Akane inquired, "Is everything fine?"

Muichirou took Akane's hand and lead her out of the Butterfly Estate.

"W-where are we going?"

Akane was overly confused with Muichirou's behavior.

Muichirou lead Akane deep into the forest and showed her one of his favorite spots: a cliff that overlooked a village.

The sun was high but the shade of trees shielded from its heat. The wind was there to soothe the both of them from the humid atmosphere.

Akane was caught up in the view of the village. Muichirou only studied her with his teal eyes. Somehow, he finally realized what he wants to do for once.

Akane is smiling. At that moment, Muichirou swears he'll protect that genuine smile.

* * *


Once again, he felt desperate. A strong sensation of desperation. Muichirou doesn't understand at first, but now, he finally knows full-well how it feels.

Muichirou grabbed Akane's wrist. He never felt so desperate in his life. He was panting, breathing heavily. He thought for a second, he wouldn't make it. He thought he was going to lose her.

As he put the dagger away, Muichirou's heart was splitting in two at the sight of Akane breaking down in front of him. He's aware of Akane's depression, very much.

He took her hands that was burying her face in shame.

"You're the least person I want to witness me in this state."

Are his efforts not enough? Are Muichirou's efforts not enough to push Akane to this edge? His efforts of spending time with her. His efforts of requesting Oyakata-sama to be paired with her often. His efforts of assisting her in baking cookies, helping Shinobu in the estate. Are all of them not enough?

Yes, they are.

Muichirou brought Akane to his arms, his arms around her shaking frame tight.

But, he will not stop.

Muichirou retracted. He gulped, determined with his next move. He placed a chaste kiss on Akane's lips, shushing her from her sobs.

"I don't care. All I want is for you to be happy and I will do everything."

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