Don't Give Up | Tokitou Muichirou

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Muichirou x Pillar!Reader from XxAlexa-chanxX
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Happy Merry Christmas to you all!

Merry reading!

Don't check the comments. It's full of manga spoilers.


"I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."
—Willian Ernest Henley, Invictus


"Eh, you're crying again, Mui-kun?" You rested your tiny hands on your small waist. Muichirou came running to you, engulfing you to a hug. 

He sobbed, "Nii-san's mad at me." You looked dumbfounded in his arms. You noticed a silhoutte approaching and saw that it was his father. You were picking some wild flowers nearby when Muichirou miraculously found you.

Muichirou's father greeted you with a wave, "(Y/N)-chan. I see Muichirou found you."

Hearing his father's voice, Muichirou turned to his father and told him about Yuichirou. His father tried to calm the crying Muichirou. 

You picked one of the flowers from the small basket you brought. You approached Muichirou and put the flower on top of his head. You had no idea where you're going to put it after all. 

"I'm sure Yui-kun has his reasons. So, stop crying." You approached him and hugged him. You patted his head, "I'll stay until you stop crying."


"Who are you?"


You stared at Muichirou for the longest time. You've been promoted as the new Winter Pillar that stands as the foundation of the Demon Slayer Corps. All of the sweat, blood, and tears are the things that lead you to this high-ranking status in the Corps. 

When your eyes first landed on the colorful bunch of Pillars, you're attention were immediately snatched away by Muichirou, who was looking in the sky in a daze. You can't help but feel happy at the sight of a familiar face after the tragedy you went through your childhood. You didn't waste the chance of talking to him. Then, this happened.

 A nervous laugh escaped your lips as you patted his shoulder. "That's not funny, Mui-kun."

As much as you wanted to deny it, his serious and stern face said otherwise.

Your hand was swatted away from his shoulder. Your eyes widen, retracting your aching hand. Muichirou spat, "I don't know who you are, so don't touch me so carelessly."

He turned and walked away from you. You watched his fading frame with a shattered heart. There's no way Muichirou is forgetting you. Come on, he might be taking his joke a little longer. It's finally relieving to see a face from your childhood, then you're simply going to be treated poorly. How come you don't recognize me?

When he finally turned to a corner, you clenched your fist. When did you become so cold?


You were nearing the Tokitou's house. The sliding door opened, revealing a running Yuichirou. Yuichirou was so busy running from Muichirou he didn't see you on the way.

You fall on the ground with a thud. Your forehead was aching from the impact it received from Yuichirou.

"(N/N)-chan!" Muichirou ran towards you, ignoring his brother. He helped you up from the ground and started asking countless questions about your well-being. Rising from the ground, Yuichirou groaned. He massaged his forehead that also received the impact of your bodies smashing into each other. Yuichirou glared at Muichirou's back. 'He didn't even check me.'

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