A Hint of Jealousy | Kamado Tanjirou

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Jealous! Tanjiro x reader request from BlackKnightRadiant
Thank you so much for requesting!

Happy reading :)


"Jealousy is the fear of comparison."


Our dear Tanjirou understands the risks of being in a relationship while the distance is keeping the two of you apart. He thought of a thousands of possibilities that could sever your relationship with him.

One of them would be your attention.

Just like every lover out there, Tanjirou wants your attention mostly to himself. He likes the warmth he's feeling every time the two of you would go out on a date or as simple as being with you. Simple moments like running your hands through his soft and burgundy locks while under the shade of a tree is enough for Tanjirou to be sent in a daze.

The problem is, your attention is often focused on everything but Tanjirou.

"I hope I have a soft hair like you, Nezuko-chan!" you chirped. Your soft hands skillfully braided Nezuko's hair. You probably mastered this hair braiding skill by now since you always braid your younger sister's hair before she left you.

There was a knowing smile on your lips as Nezuko enjoyed the feeling. Tanjirou stood by the door with an amused smile on his lips. He was very glad the two important girls in his life are close with each other.

To the point he was almost out of the picture.

"I didn't know you're around," mused Tanjirou, taking the spot beside you. He started to braid Nezuko's hair as well, since he learned it from you and Mitsuri. A smile never left your lips. Tanjirou is satisfied you're in a good mood. After all, he'll be the one who's going to cheer you up if you're not.

Cheerfully, you said, "Just got home early this morning, had a good sleep, resulting a good mood."

A smile appeared on Tanjirou's lips. He suggested, "How about we go out tonight? It's been a while."

You bite your lip. Tanjirou was confused why you're hesitating to answer. Usually, you'll brighten up right away. The smile on your face was replaced by a frown as you said, "I'll be going on a mission tonight."

"Ah, you're going soon?"

"Yeah. I'm sorry."

Being the considerate person he is, Tanjirou assured you, "Don't worry about it! There's always a next time!"

He was smiling, but he was hurt. Why'd you choose to spend the whole day with Nezuko rather than him?

Tanjirou knew it's bad to be jealous of Nezuko, but he can't help it. Nezuko is so lucky to have your attention for the whole day! As for him, he only has a couple of hours left before you depart to a mission.

Another problem is Zenitsu and Inosuke.

For Zenitsu, he always flirts around you. Tanjirou doesn't mind since he trusts Zenitsu for not stealing someone that's his. Plus, everyone knows you belong to Tanjirou and Tanjirou belongs to you. Another thing is you tolerate such actions.

"Ne, (Y/N)-chan. Would you like to go out with me to eat ramen?"

A giggle slipped past your lips and replied, "Sure! Why not?"

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