Don't Shy Away | Shinazugawa Genya

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Genya x reader requested by shypotats
Thank you and happy reading!


"Protecting yourself is self defense. Protecting others is warriorship."
—Bohdi Sanders


Genya was fuming.

"I will appreciate your help if you just mind your own business!"

You were just helping him with picking the right herbs for Himejima. He said he needed to make a medicine for a neighbor. You didn't quite catch what he said when you asked, so you made your way to the forest and aided Genya.

That was the plan.

Genya didn't know how to react at all. You were looking back at him with the most blank stare he wasn't aware you could muster. He totally had no idea what was on your mind right now. Looking back at him blankly like that. God, his outburst backfired at him in its own unique way. The silence and lack of reaction was killing him.

You merely nodded and turned around, leaving the scene.

Genya sighed in frustration. You're too quiet for his opinion.

"Why is she here anyway?"

* * *

Genya was mad again.

This time, it was during dinner. You had offered him for seconds of rice.

"No, thank you."

You appreciated his the politeness of the words but not the tone and the delivery of the said message. He didn't make any eye contact with you and he was irritated. He made sure to make it obvious to you.

His frustration meter was rising once again at your calm reply, "Okay."

At the end of the dinner, you were gathering all the last used dishes for washing them. You had plans to wash before resting for the night. It seems like Lady Luck was on your side because you had no missions for the night.

You found Genya washing the dishes. Gently, you added the last of the used bowls on the sink. Then, you started helping him, much to Genya's dismay.

"I can do it," he coldly stated.

Your voice just slightly above a whisper, you refuted, "I want to help."

Genya was slightly surprise. Keyword: slightly. Even though your voice is small and meek, he found it cute. Weird. He thought.

"Let me help."

Your persistence was somehow endearing for Genya. He had pondered why you even become a Demon Slayer. Do you use your cuteness and adorableness to kill demons? Maybe your voice?

What the hell? Why am I thinking this way?


He was snapped back to reality. He just realized he had stopped washing the dishes and you were waiting for the bowls and plates for wiping them dry.


You had realized something. "A-ah! I called you by your first name! I'm very sorry."

Genya's face flushed red like a tomato. He felt his cheeks flaring and burning he had to cover his face.

"It's... Alright."


* * *

The next days with Gyomei and Genya were entertaining and tormenting. One could only guess what the latter adjective consists of. You now realized why Genya is an excellent fighter despite the fact he can't perform any breathing.

It made you admire him.

"Y-you're Himejima-san's daughter?!"

You nodded. "Yes. Oyakata-sama spared me a few days from battling demons to spend time with Oto-san."

Genya and you were searching for another set of herbs for Gyomei. You didn't dare to ask what the motives are.

Genya remarked, "But, I never heard you call him."

"Well, he is strict. He wants to keep professionalism in good condition."

"Heh..." Genya recalled all the horror training he had to go through with the Rock Pillar.

A comfortable silence hovered ovee the two. Genya's eyes were darting around the dark forest in search of the herb of the night. The herb is easily spotted in the night, so in the night you two scouted for it.

"Say, Genya-san."

Genya hummed.

"Thanks for taking care of my father. He's a handful sometimes, especially his emotional heart."

Genya replied as he turned to you. "You're welco—WATCH OUT!"

A demon was lunging at you. You knew it was too late to even react to dodge. You weren't that strong like your father. Out of instinct, you closed your eyes and braced for the pain the demon will induce.

But, it never came.

Instead, a gunshot resounded throughout the forest; the flapping of the bats filling the silence.

"What were you doing?! You could've made an attempt to dodge for it!"

You opened your eyes and witnessed Genya fuming over you. His eyes wide from shock and his face red from anger. You gave him a smile. "Thanks and I'm sorry. I... panicked."

Genya sighed. He was curious though. What made you panic? Surely, you faced enough demons to instill the reactions within you make them a spontaneous action.

Nevertheless, you scared the hell out of him. If he hadn't brought his gun, you would've been gone. He can never forgive himself nor face Himejima again. God, when did this feeling of having to protect you come from?

"Just be careful."

You smiled. "Yeah."

Looks like Genya has to gather up the courage to ask Ubayashiki a very special favor.


means "act upon impluse" or "a reaction/gesture that comes from the person naturally".

It is NOT an adjective that means "grand" in "Numerous grand decorations covered the event hall."

Just letting you guys know. I searched its meaning every time I encounter coz I always forget the meaning. ( ̄へ ̄)

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