Summer Solstice | Rengoku Kyojuro

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"I love how she makes me feel, like anything is possible, or like life is worth it."
—Tom Hansen


It was another year for summer. The cicadas are crying and the fireflies are buzzing. The humid air was, at some point, suffocating. It brought me slight discomfort at Oba-chan’s hometown in the edge of Japan. It’s one of the many things I hate coming down from the city.

The sun had long set from its solstice as I'm walking down the familiar dirt path.

You greeted, “There you are.”

Sitting on the familiar boulder, you were dressed in a leaf-patterned kimono. You still donned the same kitsune mask on your head. Looks like tonight will be the usual like the past years.

You hop off the boulder and walked up to me. The sandals you wore are clacking against the damp stones. You were smiling. When didn’t you?

“I hope you had a good year, Kyo-kun.”

“Yep! I did! You better had too!”

You laughed.

It still doesn’t change.

“Here.” I gave you the candied apple with bright grin. You took it with such enthusiasm and gratitude.


Our routine’s like this. You’ll be the first one to the boulder where I first met you while playing with your mask. You’ll ask me how my year went and I’ll give you a candied apple I bought beforehand.

It has always been like this. You are one of the most reasons I always come down from the city and go through the scorching heat of summer.

Shizu bells rang. It resounded into the night. I pointed out, “Look, the kagura dance is starting.”

Your eyes flickered to where the shrine maidens are gracefully performing the kagura dance with passion and elegance in their steps. Their eyes seemed to be focused only on the bells. The bells rang in a steady and slow tempo.

You tugged my shirt, “I wanna see the taiko.”

I chuckled.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Nothing. You look cute.”

You quirked an eyebrow, "That's weird coming from you."

Is it weird? Was it so uncharacteristic of me? I always find you cute and pretty. You always shine in my eyes like you are the sun itself and my life is revolving only around you. You have been the my brightest star. Your smile is still the same even if the time passes. They still light up my day and make me forget all the suffocating heat of summer.

How I always feel your smiles are only and always directed at me.

"I think the fireworks will start soon," you chimed. Our eyes meet. Your eyes always twinkle like the stars in the night skies. They give the perfect beauty no one could ever notice but me only.

"Let's go to our usual spot."

With a gentle hold, you led me back to the boulder, where I first laid my eyes on you as a child. Your hands are still soft and gentle like snow. I always love how your hands are so warm and comforting to me.

"Look!" You pointed at the sky. Fireworks decorated them. The colorful lights almost blinded me as they illuminate your face, giving me the best view of your wonder-filled expression. The way your eyes crinkled in joy and your lips curled up in awe; I want to see it every day if I could.

"Ne, Kyojuro." You meet my gaze with a soft expression. I can somehow distinguish the admiration in your face.


"Come back next year, okay?"

"Of course! I'll always go back to my first and last love!"

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