The Flawless Bloom [2/2] | Akaza

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My fingers hurt.






"Can I really find the right way to live?"
—Akaza, Demon Slayer


Act Three

He held the flowers in his arms.

He watched patiently as she picked each blossom with a tender smile and a fond gaze. He studied how each characteristics of the flowers made her smile. He had long understood how much she loves flowers.

He asked, "What is that called?" He was pointing to the indigo hue flower. It was small, but for her, it makes a big difference. She was still picking them despite its size.

"Speedwell," she answered. "In the language of flowers, Speedwell symbolizes loyalty and fidelity." She showed the flower to Akaza for a closer look.

Akaza muttered, "Loyalty and fidelity..."

"Say, Akaza."

Akaza looked up to meet her half-lidded eyes. She was looking down at the single flower in her hand. "Will you be like the Speedwell? Loyal and faithful?"

The question had taken him by surprise. He offered her a smile. "I am and I will."

She gave him a satisfied smile. She ambled towards him and placed the Speedwell on Akaza's ear. As she moved away, there was a rather surprised expression on her face.


She smiled brightly as she clapped her hands together. She chirped, "I didn't know the Speedwell flower suits you so well. It complements your look."

"What do you mean?"

His question was ignored as she skipped away from him.

Akaza was blindly following her. He only noticed they were already at the lake.

She had come to realize that the lake was almost in the middle of the forest beside the mountain. It was a miracle they were able to spot the fireworks from there last week. Her face would heat up at the memory of them kissing.

She turned around to see Akaza looking straight at her. Spotting his face made her even more flustered. She turned her head away from him and simply watched her clear reflection on the water. She noticed the moon was still high. She mentally noted it was almost midnight.

"What are you thinking?" asked Akaza.

Crap. I'm busted. She thought. She could imagine her face pulling off a very nervous yet shy face.

Akaza was about to approach her when he sensed an arrow aiming straight at her.


He tackled her down, evading the arrow in time yet crashing their bodies into the lake.

Cold water engulfed their figure. She closed her eyes shut, thrashing underwater. She felt suffocated and in pain. In the darkness, she felt fear. The fear of drowning. Panic settled in her chest as she tried to inhale for oxygen. Water entered her body. At that moment, she managed to break free from Akaza's grip. She was desperate, so desperate, to breathe. She wanted to feel the air, but water took its place. Soon, her lungs were burning. Eventually, she felt weak.

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