Cute Love | Tokitou Muichirou

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Requested by Leemonadee_
I tweaked it up a bit hope
you don't mind~!
Thank you for requesting!

Kimetsu Academy!AU

Happy reading


"Communication to a relationship is like oxygen to life. Without it… it dies."
—Tony Gaskins


You screamed into your pillow with all your might. You could feel your heart pounding inside your chest to the point it was deafening in your ears. A giddy feeling settled in and you couldn't seem to wipe off the happy grin on your face.

Who wouldn't be in such a state when Muichirou just accepted your confession?

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!" Your pillow would be deaf at this point. RIP pillow.

You buried your face deeper into the fluff, trying to calm your racing heart.

With a relieved smile, you spoke, "Thank the heavens he feels the same."

* * *

At first, you thought Muichirou was unapproachable—thank Yuichirou for this. Yet, when you've come to know Muichirou a little more through paired homework, it made you fall over him deeper.

You're both so young in love at 15, so you expected little problems along the way. Keyword: little.

"I don't even know if we're even dating, Kochou-senpai," you grumbled.

"Now, now," Shinobu patted your back for comfort, "Tokitou-kun must be new to relationship, (Y/N)-chan."

The problem here is; Muichirou doesn't seem to be in a relationship at all! Of course, you expected this, but you never predicted it to be this kind of worse. He still treats you the same as before, like nothing even changed. No holding hands unless you initiate it. No kisses—you don't think if you can even take a peck—or any form of affection. He doesn't even walk you home! Does Muichirou even know how to be in a relationship? Heck, does he even likes you back? Maybe he got swayed by the flow and went along with it. Or, you were so pitiful that he had no choice but to accept your confession. Or maybe he's just using you to get closer to—

"When it comes to love, you need to have a good communication," Shinobu spoke.


"Yep! A good communication leads to a fruitful understanding, thus a fulfilling relationship," Shinobu motioned her pencil to further emphasize her point, "Tokitou-kun won't know nor understand your feelings if you just keep your problems to yourself."

It was as if the heavens just opened behind Shinobu. She was right! Shinobu was right in every way. Muichirou should know your problems so he could do something about it. That's what couples for.

"Y-you're so amazing, Kochou-senpai! Thanks for the advice!"

"Don't sweat it." Shinobu tapped the end of her mechanical pencil on your unfinished math equation, "You can thank me by acing your quiz tomorrow."

You picked up your pencil and started to solve for x and y.

* * *

Yuichirou was glaring at his brother, big time. He was aware of the status of his younger twin's relationship. It was starting to irritate him to no end. Is Muichirou even trying to be a good person to you? Even though she is an average person, she deserves to be treated nice and wonderful, not some just friend who always comes by lunch to spend time. Heck, does Muichirou even takes the initiative here?

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