Elegant and Emotionless | Kamado Tanjirou

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Another Tanjirou x Reader oneshot from cyclops005!
Thank you for requesting!


"Elegance is the beauty that never fades."
—Audrey Hepburn


This is how Tanjirou will describe you:

Elegant and Emotionless.

Elegant, just because your movements are so elegant it always successfully catches his attention. You are like a princess that only got hooked up into battling demons. Still, your aura are as elegant as they can be. It appears to him you govern over a kingdom with a calm and collected nature. Never once you lost yourself in leading the kingdom of his heart.

Emotionless. Tanjirou calls you emotionless because of the neutral facade (because he believes you're just hiding your true emotions) that always rest on your face. You are unreadable. Not just to your enemies, but also to your allies. You are unpredictable. Who knows what's going on inside a mind of a person that shows little to nothing emotions?

Tanjirou disregards the fact that you are emotionless. He knows there's someone, a person waiting to break free from its restraints. In order for that to happen, Tanjirou's goal is to make you smile! He'll be very proud of himself if he is the first person to make you smile.

Or so he thought.

"Ah, right on time, (Y/N)-chan," Shinobu greeted your approaching figure. You never liked to suddenly appear in a meeting with the other Pillars. You prefer to simply walk through the garden of the Ubayashiki estate to your designated area of assembly.

Your eyes were following a couple of flying birds. They passed you by in a swift motion, making the air beside your head be disrupted a little. You hummed as you switched your attention to Shinobu, giving her a small smile.

Tanjirou's face exploded in red. The sight of your smile was enough to make his stomach flip and speed up his heart at the speed of light. Shinobu briefed you of what was happening, although you already know most of it. Your (E/C) eyes lazily glanced towards Tanjirou. The moment your focus was on him, the smile was long gone.

You remembered Tanjirou was the hunter that you saved from the Twelve Demon Moon.

Tanjirou contemplated whether he was going to thank you for saving his sorry butt or just remain quiet and feast his eyes on your pretty face. Even thought your facial expression says nothing, it was more than enough for Tanjirou to stay attracted to you.

* * *

It had been month after his trial and the last time he saw a smile on your face. He had never been so bothered of the fact he never made you smile. It frustrates him. Tanjirou wants to see a smile on your face. It suits you and makes you all the more beautiful and attractive.

He wasn't seeing that smile until one time.

You came into the rescue for the struggling Demon Hunters in taking down numerous Demons that seemed to overpower the lower-ranking Demon Slayers, including Tanjirou.

Tanjirou witnessed once again the gracefulness in your every move. The blood of the demons staining your ever-neutral face before disintegrating into thin air. His burgundy eyes watched in awe at how elegant and skilled your moves are. No movements are wasted. All of them moving around with full of ease and experience. Your Nichirin Blade hitting its target with very precise and accurate precision.

He wished to be as strong as you. You're a Pillar after all.

He was brought up to his feet by Zenitsu, pulling his forearm up. Zenitsu hissed, "We need to go now, Tanjirou!"

Tanjirou pulled his forearm from Zenitsu's grasp. He declined, "I'm not leaving (Y/N)-san alone."

The next thing that happened was Tanjirou being left behind by Zenitsu and Inosuke, who was raising a thumb in encouragement.

You were almost done with slaying the rest of the demons when a splash of water entered your view. Tanjirou helped you with the remaining demons. With the both you cooperating and thanks to your teamwork experience and adaptation skills, Tanjirou and you cut the rest of the heads of the demons with ease.

Right after you sheathe your blade back to its scabbard, a boy came running at you, hugging you like you were his lifeline. He cried, "Those things are scary! Bring me back to my mom please!"

You were dumbfounded at first. A child suddenly hugging you and crying his eyes out are not of the many things you like right after battling with demons. Still...

Tanjirou watched from the sidelines as you crouch to the boy's height. A gentle smile appeared on your lips, which makes Tanjirou's cheeks heat up once more. He saw that smile again. The smile that he loves. You were somehow able to make the boy calm down. Despite having little time, you still helped the boy find his mom, who was miraculously alive.

Tanjirou inferred you like children becaause you smiled at the boy.

"U-um, Nee-san?"

You turned around. With a smile, you asked, "Yes?"

"You're... You're very pretty!"

It took all of Tanjirou's will not to glare at the boy. Although, he was jealous the boy can say that to his crush.

* * *

Tanjirou was training in the Butterfly Estate when he heard from the three girls you were coming over. He immediately cleaned himself and went around the estate to find you.

You were enjoying the fluttering butterflies in the garden when Tanjirou spotted you.

He placed a hand over his racing heart that was so eager to explode out of his chest. Tanjirou was sure his whole face is red as a tomato at the moment because of the building heat.

The scene of you in the garden took his breath away. You were smiling with a tint of amusement and fondness. The tree that provided you shade against the sun made it look like you were sparkling. The butterflies flying around you made you appear more attractive and beautiful. Tanjirou thinks he overused the word beautiful on you. You were beyond that at this point now.


Gosh, your melodic voice is keeping him from moving from his spot on the engawa.

"Kamado-kun, do you have a fever?"

"Y-yes! I mean, no! I don't have a fever."

The butterflies flew away from you due to Tanjirou's outburst. The tranquility and serenity of the garden was disrupted by Tanjirou ramblings. The smile left your face.

You asked, "Do you need something?"

Tanjirou searched his mind for anything that can delay your leave. He gave you a smile, "Can you please train me?"

* * *

Tanjirou took a deep breath. She likes children and animals.

He held the puppy closer to his chest. He knows full well animals like puppies or kittens are not allowed in the Butterfly Estate. He was forced to admit his love for you to Shinobu in order for her to agree to accept this lost little puppy to the estate.

Tanjirou saw you passing by the gate of the Butterfly Estate. He immediately approached you. One can see the light skip in his steps.


You stopped walking and turned towards Tanjirou. You noticed the puppy right away. The feeling of adopting the puppy crossed your mind.

Tanjirou stopped and held the puppy to you. He asked, "Do you want to keep him? Shinobu said I can't keep animals, but I can't let this cute pup alone."

You smiled. "Sure. Why not?"

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