Night Sky | Kamaboko Squad

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Thank you so much Naisya_jkt for requesting!
Cheerful reading!


"Sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else."
—Mitch Albom


"The sky looks beautiful today."

Zenitsu stopped from his pace and looked over his shoulder. He heard each words clear. He admired the smile on her face as she looked up in the night sky in wonder and admiration. Tanjirou has a fond smile on his face, completely adoring her eyes. She looked beautiful under the moonlight. Inosuke had his hands on the back of his head. He was looking at the sky before lowering it towards her face. She was looking back at them.

She said, "One day, we'll look at the night sky in a whole new perspective."

Inosuke asked, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Zenitsu answered, "Figure it out yourself, muscles-for-brains."


"She meant..." Tanjirou himself couldn't figure it out. He looked back and saw her smiling affectionately at him—at them.

In an outsider's perspective, the Demon Slayer (Y/N) is a simple and humble slayer. You can call her one of the average people; a person with an invisible face. She is always less noticed by others. Even though it sounds so sad and tragic, it was alright for (Y/N). She never liked attention anyways.

(Y/N) was never a normal girl for them.

She literally had no idea how she got herself into a colorful group of three boys; each have a different crack in their personality. Nonetheless, she loves them dearly.

In the case of the teenage boys, there is an attraction towards the girl. No one ever mentioned (and no one ever will) the same romantic feelings they all shared and relate to. It was like a taboo for the three to point it out. I mean, how could they point it out when the subject girl is always around them? Despite the contradiction of the boys having feelings for one girl, they never saw it a competition. They just silently and consciously agreed that they'll protect her from distress.

They did and tried.


"(Y/N)! Where are you?"

"Shortie! Stop hiding from Inosuke-sama!"

Amidst the wreckage, they couldn't see anything. The moon was shining high and deep in the sky. It didn't help in finding the person they badly wanted to see the most.

Tanjirou was able to pick the faintest hint of blood.

Despite his injuries, he started climbing up and down the large heaps of remnants of buildings. Zenitsu and Inosuke trailing behind. They don't care about their own injuries from the recent concluded battle. All they cared about is (Y/N). Where the heck is she? She's supposed to be the healthiest in the five of them.

Their eyes spotted Nezuko. She was trying to lift a debris.

Zenitsu's eyes were wide in horror. He could barely see a hand peeking out from the heap of wreckage.

Tanjirou and Inosuke immediately went to Nezuko's aid. Zenitsu followed not long after.

"Hang in there!"

The debris was extremely hard to lift up. Inosuke exclaimed, "Back away, peasants! Inosuke-sama will save shortie!"

Inosuke performed a breathing technique. It was effective enough to blast the debris crushing the girl underneath. The remaining three immediately pulled (Y/N) out.

Tanjirou brought the girl in his arms, vigorously shaking the girl to wake up. "(Y/N)!"

"Hey, guys. That wound wasn't there before," stated Zenitsu. His trembling index finger was pointing at the injury. The three of them instantly knew it was fatal.

Tanjirou turned to Nezuko. "Get some help!" The younger Kamado didn't waste a second and quickly left to find help.

Tanjirou checked her vitals. All of them were unstable. Her breathing was too shallow and her heartbeat was gradually getting weaker and weaker. He forced (Y/N) to wake up. "(Y/N)! Wake up!"

Zenitsu was stoned in his spot. Inosuke was gripping his Nichirin Blade in frustration. He exclaimed, "WAKE UP, SHORTIE! YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO DIE!"

There's no way they could live in a world with demons without her.

Her face grimaced. Slowly, she fluttered her eyes open. She was blinded lightly by the moon up high. She forced out, "Hey."

Zenitsu crouched beside her. He can feel his throat tightening up. His tears were slowly making its way to his eyes. He assured her, "You're going to be alright."

She merely gave a weak smile at him. "Say."

She's giving her last words? No. She doesn't. Maybe she's about to crack a joke. Zenitsu's thoughts were running wild.

"I'm glad I met you guys." It was obvious she was struggling to speak. Speaking alone was consuming most of her energy.

"(Y/N)! Stay awake! Help's coming," said Tanjirou, shaking the girl lightly. (Y/N) was trying her best to keep herself awake. She felt so sleepy and tired. She wants to close her eyes and nap the fatigue away. Am I really dying?

"I'm commanding you not to sleep, shortie!" exclaimed Inosuke.

"Yeah... The sky looks... very pretty." Her eyes were fluttering close.

"(Y/N)-chan! Come on. Just hang on!" At this point, Zenitsu was breaking down. It somehow triggered for the next two. Tanjirou was biting his lip, tears streaming down his face. Inosuke was sniffling loudly.

She looked so calm. The look on her face was peaceful and solace.

"Wake up, (Y/N)!" shouted Tanjirou, burying his face into her shoulders. He held her cold body close to him. Zenitsu embraced her and Tanjirou, crying. Inosuke knelt and wrapped his arms around them. They never felt so helpless. They were so strong yet they couldn't protect the person they treasured the most. Competition doesn't matter to them. Her life and her safety are. They don't care if someone stole her away as long as she's happy. All their efforts were for her comfort and happiness.

Not for her death.

Their world crushed at the moment (Y/N) stopped breathing. How could their life continue if she wasn't there anymore? She's more than an average person. No one can replace her. No one can replace their memories of her. No one.

"(Y/N)-chan..." mumbled Hinatsuru. Nezuko looked so sad. She never saw Tanjirou so devastated.

Their perspective of the night sky changed forever.

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