Winter Formal

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I subconsciously move closer to Peeta and he grabs my hand. "What about everyone else. He could hurt them" I say worriedly. "He won't. He's after you. No one else will get hurt." John says and pulls out a dagger which is made half of wood and half of silver. "What's that?" I ask. "The silver will kill his wolf. The wood will kill his vampire which will kill all of him" john says and I nod. "Peeta I need you to get Katniss somewhere safe" he says and Peeta nods and grabs me and starts running. "Boys. Can you help?" He asks and they all nod.

John P.O.V

The boys all nod and I smile slightly. "Let's kill a hybrid" I says and they nod and we start walking through the house , following the tracks. We stop at the first landing when we see a dark shadow walking towards us. "John. How nice to see you again" he says and I clench my jaw. "The pleasures all mine" I say and he shakes his head. He grabs me by the neck, making me drop the sword and he bashes me against the wall. "Maybe I should kill you" he says. "Maybe that would be easier" he says and I shake my head. "You came for Katniss. If you can find her you can have her" I say lying through my teeth and the boys look at me confused. I shake my head slightly and they all seem to understand. All the boys jump into action and Liam grabs the sword and runs at him from behind but he just punches Liam and he falls to the ground and an angry Zayn comes charging towards him and pushes him off of me. I get free and look for the sword but it's not there. I curse under my breath and keep looking for it. Liam gets up and they all start attacking the hybrid but it's no use. He's too strong. I sigh and concentrate on getting the sword. I get to a dark corner and see Silvano standing with it. He puts his finger over his lips telling me to be quiet and I nod. "Do you know what. Let's just give him Katniss." I say and they all turn around and he walks over to me intrigued. "Let's go then" he says and I lead him past the dark corner where Silvano is. I turn around abruptly and stop. "You really think we'd let you take her that easy" Silvano says stepping out of the shadows and stabbing him in the heart with the sword and he falls to his knees. "Guess you're not that smart after all " he says digging it in all the way. The body fades away and fury walk out. "What's going on?" He asks. "Katniss come out now!" I shout and hear footsteps. They walk upstairs and she looks around. "I killed him" Silvano says and she hugs him. "Thank you" she says and then walks over to me. "Guess I can trust you." She says and I nod. "Guess you can" I say. "Thank you" she says hugging me and I wrap my arms around my daughter. It's the first time I've ever hugged my own daughter. It feels good. "Why doesn't everyone get back to bed?" I say and they nod and go back to their rooms.


Katniss P.O.V

It's been a week since the attack and I am terrified. I'm glad Silvano was there. I love him so much. I couldn't ask for better siblings. And john. If he didn't come back then I would probably be dead now. The one direction boys left but left me all their phone numbers , Facetime addresses , Skype names and all added me on Facebook, followed me on Instagram and Twitter and told me I better keep in touch. They also did the same with everyone else which as you can imagine, took quite a long time. And it turns out that the band who's opening act couldn't make it just so happened be 5 seconds of summer. It was amazing. Ashton and Abigail were amazing too and the crowd loved them. Today is the day of their winter formal and ashton doesn't want to go because he hasn't got anyone to go with but Silvano and fury are looking forward to it. "Come on Ashton. Is there nobody you can ask?" I ask him and he shrugs. "No. I don't think so" he says. "Wait , maybe" he says pulling out his phone and putting in a number. He walks out the room and I shake my head. "I thought it didn't matter if you had a date or not at your age" I say and fury just shrugs and Silvano smirks. "It isn't but when the rest of the group has a date he won't go on his own" He says and I laugh slightly. "Makes sense" I say. He walks back in and puts his phone in his pocket and goes back to drinking his juice. "So?" I say. "I'm going with Caroline" he says and fury and Silvano start laughing. "Caroline?" Silvano says and ashton nods. "You mean the same Caroline that has been stalking you since you started Panem high?" Fury asks and I smirk. "It's not stalking" ashton says and I laugh. "Okay let's go pick up your suits then" I say grabbing the keys and they all follow me. "What about the girls?" Fury asks. "I'm taking them later to get their nails done so I'll just pick them up then" I say and they nod. We all get in the car with ashton in the front and fury and Silvano in the back. The full way there they annoy him about Caroline. "Katniss , tell them to stop" he says. "Okay boys stop it, it's not his fault the only person left to ask to the dance is his stalker" I say and they laugh and ashton looks at me annoyed and I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He just leans back against the chair. "How has she been stocking you?" I ask. "She always stands near his locker, always tries to sit next to him in class and liked all his Instagram pictures. Even ones from last year" Silvano says. "Well that's not really stalking. Stalking is following you home and constantly messaging you and watching your every move. She probably just likes you" I say and he shrugs.

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