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"Erica, you got a minute?" I knocked on her office door.

For the last couple of weeks I have made sure I'm in class on time and not a minute later. Also, I've been attending study hall just to be around her and I don't even need any extra help.

Another thing I actually don't mind doing her assignments.

"Yes, I do. Come in," She smiled.

I took my backpack off and sat in the chair out front of her desk.

"What's going on?" She turned away from her computer and looked at me, removing her glasses.

I swear I'm in one of those dream sequences that happens in the movies. You know when everything the "hot" chick does in slow motion.

After I finished drooling like a dog in heat. I got the courage to ask her what I came in here for.

"Umm— with our essay coming up about what Dr. King's speech means to us. I was wondering have been to the park yet?"

I took several field trips to the park in grade school. I should be a tour guide by now. There is no better man for the job.

"Actually, I haven't had the chance to go yet. It's on my list I've just been so busy." She sighed.


"Well, I been going for years. I wouldn't mind showing you around. You know for research purposes. Just like a mini field trip without the rest of the class."

I had to make it school-related. If I didn't she would probably think I'm a stalker or some shit.

"You know, If you're not busy or anything like that," I added, nervously rubbing the back of my neck as I waited for her answer.

She looked down at the Rolex on her wrist. I haven't seen too many women wearing Rolexes unless they date rappers.


"Actually, I will take you up on that offer! Let me just shut down everything in here. Meet me outside?"

"Yeah, that's cool." I cheesed way too damn hard. I didn't realize it till it was too late.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out of her office. Before I went outside I had to stop at the vending machine. When I'm nervous food always calms down. All in all, I'm just trying to figure out why I'm all out of character like this.

Smh. Its just a crush.

As I posted up on the brick column outside. A few people I've seen around campus greeted me with head nods. Mostly the freshman sprinkled in some of my classes. Basically, I'm the big homie.

"Are you ready?" Erica asked me.


"My car is right there." She pointed to the 2019 grey Maserati Levante parked in the reserved spot.

I always had a love for cars. I can name any model from any year in my sight.

Didn't expect a woman with such grace to be driving a car like this. I'm actually turned on by it a little bit. This woman is the true definition of a boss.

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