Just Friends

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I thought what we had was special

But you're telling me you just want to be friends

Yet you stole my first kiss and you knew it too

We met each other's family

You complimented me for the first three weeks

How did I not recognize the signs

You led me on for two weeks

Let me meet your family and some friends

But then you said you just wanted to be friends

You didn't want to hang out with me

Kept on giving me bullshit excuses

You stopped flirting with me

You told me you didn't like me

But that's not true

So you know screw you

Yet you still text me every day

Cause that's what friends do

We still ask each other how we're doing

You can't tell me you hear my name

And think she's just my friend

That you don't think about my laugh

I see you and those hazel eyes of yours

I hear the way you talk and smile

I see you there looking at me

You called me at 2 AM drunk

Cause that's what friends do

And you told me a joke that you just heard

I felt safe when I was with you

I hate that I let my guard down

You turned into a stranger

I can hear your laugh a mile away

But you won't pay attention to me

So I just walk in the other direction

I see your truck drive by my driveway

I wish that you would turn in

And tell me that you were just playing

Things change and people move on

But I can't get you off of my mind

I wish I could kiss you one more time

I hate this feeling I get when I see you

I just wanna jump into your arms

And climb up in your truck one last time

I miss you sneaking your arm round me

Your hand fitting perfectly into mine

Playing with the hair ties on my arm

Why'd you try to impress my parents

Why'd you try to make me laugh

If all you wanted to be was friends

I hate that I love you still

That I cry for you

And that I keep checking in

Look me in the eye and tell me that

When you hear my name

That all you think is that we're just friends

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