One glance, I look up at you
I catch your eye
You look away really quickly
As if I haven't already caught you staring
Second glance, I look in the other direction
You had walked that way with your friends
Y'all are talking away in hushed whispers
I make eye contact with your best friend
Third glance, I look up at the clock
I feel goosebumps and look over my shoulder
I catch the feelings I did a year ago
When I see you smiling, while looking at me
Fourth glance, I try to avoid the direction you're in
The bell rings and I hurriedly throw my food away
I stop at my locker and head to my next class
You end up walking beside me
Fifth glance, I look at the board
I look up and I can't find the words to speak
It's like I don't know how to talk
The air is tense and nobody feels it but us
Sixth glance, I look at the floor
So I don't see your eyes
The ones that made me fall in love in the first place
And your goofy smile but it's awkward
Seventh glance, I look around the room
You catch my eyes and we stay there for a while
I love you, but you hurt me and then repeatedly hurt me
You knew what you were doing... I think you still do now
Eight glance, I look at the clock
I am ready for this class to be over
I am ready to go home and cry
Cause my heart is still hurting
Ninth glance, I look at the teacher
I am supposed to be listening
Yet, my mind isn't in the room
It's in your truck when we were kissing
Tenth glance, I look out the window
I hear someone's truck rev because that's what boys do around here
You were never like that though because you didn't show off
You never showed off anything you had
Eleventh glance, I look at the door
Hoping someone could come in
And break this tension in the room
I think some people must be feeling it by now
Twelfth glance, I look up at the white board
Where all the assignments are due
Yet, I know I haven't started a single one
And I know he hasn't either
Thirteenth glance, I look up at the clock thinking this class has to end soon
He gets up and moves to the desk diagonal of me
I meet his eyes once again and I don't know how to feel
Does he still like me? Why is he making this awkward?
Fourteenth glance, our eyes are still on each other
All he has to do is say three words and explain why
And I'll be his again cause I was much happier with him
Things were easier and I had someone to talk to
Fifteenth glance, our eyes finally go in the other direction
My face is probably a dark maroon by now
I heard he's been sleeping with other people
He doesn't want a relationship... he wants to keep his reputation
Sixteenth Glance, I look at the wall
My mind is gone in the wind to the day we went shopping together
He bought a mustache and talked about this party
Yet, he never invited me to it... I should've known
Seventeenth Glance, I stare out the window again
It's raining and I think about how I cried
I cried until I couldn't anymore, which was about three months
Three long months and I still want him back
Eighteenth glance, I look at the books on the shelf
I remind myself that he hurt me
He hurt me to the point I didn't want to see another day
Yet, I'm always comparing someone to him and they never quite measure up
Nineteenth glance, I look at the flowers on the teachers desk
He had tried to buy me flowers, but I had refused
This was a different guy and I didn't feel any chemistry
Well, not the same chemistry I had felt with him
Twentieth glance, I look at the field outside of the window
I am near the end zone because I smile when I think about someone else
I see the people sidelines cheering me on because my friends didn't like him in the first place
Yet, some days I get tackled and I just want to go running back in his arms

Life goes on
PuisiLife changes constantly so I'm just writing awful poems that portrays how I feel.