Once upon a time
This life of the party boy came and picked up a good girl
They looked into each other's eyes and smiled
He brought her a milkshake and talked to her dad for an hour
He sat and talked to her for two more hours and leftThis girl couldn't go to sleep because she was thinking about him
His goofy smile and his hazel eyes were everything
She really liked him and was already dreaming about foreverAnother week goes by and they are constantly texting
And they make plans to see each other again
Saying they miss each other and they can't wait to see each otherHe drives his truck into her front yard
And watches her run out to jump in the passenger seat
She's all excited to be hanging out with him once again
They jump into a buddy of his truck
And she almost slides into his buddy but he pulls her back to him
She slides a little closer to him with a smile on her faceShe is having the time of her life
All she wants to do is be with him
He drops her off at her house hoping she would invite him in
But her parents aren't home so she doesn't want to give him any ideasThey talk 24/7 and tell each other they miss each other
But when she tries to make plans he can't make them
She's a little disappointed because she really wanted to see him
She wants to see the hazel eyes and goofy smile that she fell in love withThey talk to each other on the phone for the first time that week
And they make plans with each other
They're going to watch a movie together at his house
What she doesn't know is that she'll meet his parents for the first time
And it freaks her out and she wishes that he would have told her
But her first kiss is on that couch watching her favorite movie
Which it isn't her favorite movie anymore
Cause she can't stop crying every time she watches it.He ditched her plans three times after that
And texted her that he didn't want to see her anymore
His goofy smile and hazel eyes are in her dreams
They are engraved in her head, and everything reminds her of himThe life of the party guy wanted a little more than what a good girl could give
She hasn't moved on from him yet and still wants to give it another shot
She cried for three months straight till someone told her to get her act straight
Then got drunk for another couple of months cause she wanted to forget the painHer friends aren't good people and she's still flirting with him
He's texting her on three different phones
Acting like he still doesn't think about her
He just wanted something more than what she could give himHis goofy smile and hazel eyes were the life of the party
Her smile isn't the same anymore and the sparkle in her eyes is gone
She wants to run back to him but she's scared he'll break her heart even more
She knows they weren't meant for each other in this lifetime
He goes for girls that are the opposite of her so they don't remind him of her
Of her big blue eyes and her perfect smile with the biggest dimpleShe hopes that in a different life they'll be together
It just wasn't the right time for them
If they had met when they were older, then they might have worked
But all his friends are going off to college
He's going to be spending weekends with them|
He's the life of the party and his hazel eyes and goofy smile
They are going to have girls wrapped around his finger
She knows it too but she just wants him back in her armsHe can still see it in her eyes the love she has for him
One call she'll be dumb and run back into the seat of his truck
One apology and even though she knows it'll never work
She'll be back in his arms trying to give him a second chance
Even though the nagging voice in her head knows betterEvery boy in her phone is just a distraction for her
Even though they all remind her of him
She drinks through the pain with tears rolling down her face
She will always love him no matter whatIt's been a year and she still wants to be the girl next to him
Those hazel eyes and goofy smile are still in her dreams
She thinks she found a guy but his hazel eyes aren't the same
And he has a perfect smile but she thinks goofy ones are better
He isn't as sweet as the guy who she first loved
They won't last long cause he'll see it in her eyes
That the love she has won't ever be used on himShe gave away all her love to the first guy
He won't bring back the sparkle in her eyes or the smile she used to have
She'll try to not think about him but this guy won't ever compare
She'll cry herself to sleep thinking this won't ever end
But maybe that's the way it's supposed to beThey had the best times of their life together
His hazel eyes and goofy smile
Her blue eyes and perfect smile
They weren't meant for forever
He was the life of the party
She was a good girl
Time will tell but after highschool
They'll never see each other again
So there was no happily ever after

Life goes on
PoetryLife changes constantly so I'm just writing awful poems that portrays how I feel.