My heart is aching for you today
My brain knows otherwise
I feel like I'm in war between my brain and my heart
One says, "get him back."
My brain says, "don't hurt yourself all over again."I wish he would make the first move
His goofy smile and accent are everywhere
I can feel his stare and I just wish he would make a move
I could be right back in his arms right nowHis hazel eyes are in my dreams and the way he made me feel safe
I haven't felt safe since the day I was in his truck
Should I make a move and be reckless with my love
And end up broken-hearted again?
Or should I be sensible and miss him all the time?
And maybe there will be a different outcome?I can't win this war so I'll sit right here
I'm afraid to feel the way I'm feeling right now again
I can't feel the same as I did a year ago.
It took me a whole year to finally move onI haven't moved on fully, but it's not the same
I just want one more date, one more kiss, one more everything
One more lifetime where I was still in his armsFeeling this way is a terrible thing. It's like not looking up at the stars
It's just something I can't live without
He was my everything and I would have given him the worldI loved him but I was too afraid to tell him
Now, it's too late and I regret it every day
Don't be afraid to tell someone you love themThis war between my heart and my brain must be a stalemate
Cause I don't think I can make up what I want to do
Send me a sign or just make a move that you are still interestedMy heart is healing piece by piece but it's not the same
Cause it's like a puzzle and the pieces are in the wrong spot
One day at a time, one look at you, and one more time I remember
I remember the days of you and me and what we could have beenTomorrow is another day, and I may feel a little differently
I might feel the same, but who knows... not me
I certainly cannot make up my mind or my heart
Just wish I could see us in a different lifetimeYou healed me and made me feel beautiful
Then you broke me and I felt like I was an elephant
I don't think that was your intentions, but it's just the way I feelCheckmate, I don't need you anymore
So go hook up with other girls and keep your reputation
I've got other guys ringing up my phone
Your ring was the one I wanted but not anymore

Life goes on
PoetryLife changes constantly so I'm just writing awful poems that portrays how I feel.