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The hair on my arms is standing up
So I look around and see him 
I have goosebumps everywhere
I decided to hang out with my friends tonight
No clue that he was going to show up

It's been a few years since I've seen him
And it looks like things have changed
I didn't realize I had been gone awhile
But my friends begged me to come back
I didn't realize that he was close to my friends

The silence between us is deafening
No one knows how to break the awkward silence
He sits at the opposite end of the table
And tries to start a conversation at the table
But I sit in silence the whole night

Unbelief that my friends decided to be friends with him
After all that he did to me and he doesn't look guilty
I get up and use the bathroom to avoid this situation
The tears start rolling down my face
He was the reason why I left in the first place
I thought I could avoid him, but I guess I can't

The bathroom door opens and it's him there
"I'm sorry," is all he says
I try to wipe my face off so he can't see the tears
I finally turn around and say, "you had the nerve to show up tonight."
He just shrugs and I burst into tears again 

He tries to hug me but I push him off
Seriously after what he did to me that night
What he did to my best friend was unexcusable
Well my ex-best friend... she kind of blamed it on me
Then, she left us behind and got new friends

So not only did I lose the love of my life that night
I also lost my childhood best friend that I loved with all my heart

He showed his true colors that night
And it took me a while to get over it 

I haven't been with anyone else but him
Because nothing else has felt right 
This awkward situation is something I never thought would happen
No one knows what happened that night except the three of us
We left it in the dark because that's where it should be

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