Past is the Past

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I'm leaving it all behind
The way I feel about you
It's going to be no more
Don't worry about me
Cause I ain't worrying about you
I ain't even thinking about you this year

This year is going to be my year
It's going to be full of freedom
Sweet sixteen just got sweeter
I met a boy and he has the same eyes
The same eyes as you...
But his smile is perfect
He's got the gleam in his eyes 
One you never had 

I've got people that don't talk to me
Even if I speak to them
I'm leaving it all behind 
This years going to be a year full of happiness
Not letting fear, dread, misery in this year

Never thought this day would ever come
The day I finally was happy 
I still don't feel complete but I'm working on it
I still don't feel safe without you
But like I said, "I'm working on it."

Ready to feel the wind in my hair
Ready to have my year
This is my year and I'm going to own it
I don't care if they still don't talk to me
I'm still going to speak with a smile on my face
They can stare all they want to

I never thought I could look you in the eye
And not feel anything anymore
Cause you were my everything
I would've given you anything you wanted
All you had to do was ask 

But don't worry about me anymore
Cause I'm not looking back
Counting down the years until I leave this town
The days where I don't see your ghost
A couch that I can't see you sitting on
A driveway that your truck isn't rolling down 

Trying to get out of my head where all I see is your hazel eyes
I can see us riding around all around town 
I can still feel your arm around me 
But it's okay to reminisce and still think about the past
Just don't let the past mess up your future

People say I seem different these days
I still feel the same I'm just not having as many bad days
Ready for this long year to end so I can move on
Move on to better things and better places
A better train of thought 

I want to travel this year and go see the world
I want to learn how to ride a horse
There's nothing stopping me from doing it
You would have because I revolved around you 
Cause you were the sun to my earth 
I never thought about what I wanted
I just wanted to give you everything

Beyond ready for a fresh start 
A town where no one knows me
A town that no one knows about us
A town that doesn't know my parents
I want to rediscover who I am

Time to make these last few years a blur
To the last few years that should be the best

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