Chapter 7

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*Darion POV *
Tears fell down her cheeks as she wiped them away. I really don't know what too do , I'm to young to be a father, and I know she been seeing Derrick on the low so I don't know what too believe. Yeah, we just had sex but my pull out game too strong .
" Just take a test " I really wanted to be sure about it . Deep down I knew it was mines but you never know .
" I missed my period, and you want me to take a test , go to the store and buy me a test " I went to put my shoes on and kiss her forehead before heading to my car .
All I could think about is being a dad , I don't know how to be a dad, and my dad is never around. What if the child doesn't like me? I always wanted to get my child something I never had, but right now this shit is too soon. We haven't even graduated yet . I hopped out my car, and went to cvs.
" I don't know why I'm doing this shit, where the damn tests " I whispered to my self . I went from aisle to aisle and I still couldn't find them hoes.
" sir what are you looking for " this pretty girl came up to me , I couldn't help but stare . She ain't got shit on Amari but she bad .
" your number , would be fine " I said with a smirk. I saw her blush which was adorable , but not as adorable as Mari . I'm over here comparing and contrasting between my lover shit crazy . I shouldn't be doing this .
" I'll think about that . But what do you need " from the looks of it she was trying to play hard to get, and she looked like hoe , I'm not going to jump to conclusions though .
" I need some pregnancy tests for my girl " she handed me the test , and walked away . I couldn't help but laugh , anyway I walked to the register.
" that will be 20.95 " I got her like 5 of them pregnancy tests , dawg. A nigga always got to be prepared. I gave her the money, and looked the receipt.
" oh so you decided to give me your number " as I grab my bags .
" I mean what wifey don't know , wouldn't hurt her right " Yep , baby girl a hoe. I wasn't gonna cheat on Amari , I just wanted to know is Shawty would give me a discount on this shit .
" aye ma , don't disrespect my girl like that , I ain't that type of nigga " I walked out the store and was heading home . But what if these tests are positive .
* Amari POV *
I was pacing back at forth , in this big ass house . I can't be a mother at a early age , I haven't graduated high school yet . I haven't went to prom yet , but what if I am pregnant what will a girl like me do ? Will Darion still be here for me, and my unborn child ? A lot of shit was going through my head at once .
" baby I'm back " I rushed in the living room to grab the bag and went straight to bathroom .
" damn , I can't get a thank you" I couldn't help but laugh he did get it for me though .
" thank you Terrell, but move so I can pee " my neck was starting to hurt from looking at him . He was still in the bathroom I don't know what for .
" I wanna stay in here with you" this boy is such a creep .
"no get out , damn " he never likes the work NO .
" get on my fucking nerves " he is so bipolar , I need to take him to the doctor or something for that. I sat on the toilet and pee'd on all of them , it say it takes 10 minutes so I guess I have to wait at least a hour .
* hour later*
" Positive ... Positive .... Positive ... Positive ... Positive " this can't be happening how I'm going to tell my parents , when their little girl is having a baby .
" baby stop crying , I'm here.. we did it together . I-Its going to be hard for both of us . " I didn't wanna hear none of that shit but abortion is out of the picture , and adopting my baby wasn't in the picture neither . I'm raising my unborn child .
" how are we going to tell our parents " I was so scared for my life .
" my parents barely here so they should be cool with it but yours im scared " we both were scared to think about it , it was true . We both laughed.
" I love you baby with all my heart, and you too " he been down to kiss flatten belly , and then pecked my lips .
" we love you too Daddy " I know he was scared but shit I'm scared too , I got to keep a child in my body for 9 months .. This pregnancy is going to be hella interesting . It's going to worth it though , I'm going to wait Til I'm fully 2 months to tell my parents . I think that's why I'm going to do .
* 2 months later *
I been showing a little but not as much that it's been noticeable, but my taste buds are ridiculous . Darion been a little shady lately , but I can care less , I'm not bout to stress over his ass for my baby sake . My parents been a little suspicious of me lately , I been sleeping a lot more , and my mom said she had a dream about fishes , that shit scared me. But a little in me know that my parents know, but they are waiting for me to come out and tell him. I wasn't ready then, but now I think I'm ready . I was walking to my 2nd block class . Since the time
Changed everything been going sorta quick , well I guess.
" look at the baby momma " after I whooped Jessica ass she still got some shit to say, and how she know I'm pregnant ? Yeah, me and Darion are still together , but if he cheat on me I'm leaving his ass with my unborn . Most of Yall would think the ass whooping pop some sense in her head , but nope it didn't . I just went straight to my desk, and mind my business . I don't have time to entertain these hoes I swear. Darion walked in , but then Derrick did . Darion set beside me , I acted like I didn't notice him. This bitch missed my first appointment with my doctor , like who would do that to their unborn .
" Hey Mari" he think everything is cool when he's not and he know what he did .
" wassup" I didn't t really shit to say to him obviously .
" baby stop acting like this I'm sorry . " he tried to reach for my arm and I snatched it back. I'm tired of being the Nice person and get screwed over at the end .
" oh" I went to writing my assignment .
" Hey A baby". Derrick said . He grew as a big brother figure to me , nothing more . I love being around him and he helped a lot , only him , Darion , and Queta of course knows about the baby, he was excited to be a uncle . But with Darion ass he think we have something going on.
" Heyyy bro " then I went Back
To doing my work I know Darion feel some type of way , but that shit hurted and I want him to fill the Pain I felt . Especially what happens tonight .
* later that night *
I was a nervous wreck, and Darion better show up here on time .
* Darion POV*
I missed Amari first doctor appointment , I felt disappointed in my self . She gave me the cold shoulder . I been doing a lot of shit she don't know about . I feel bad for going behind her back , since I found out my dad was a famous kingpin, and well my moms she been by his side for the longest. I felt neglected . I remembered like it was yesterday .
* flashback*
I was coming home from foot ball practice and I noticed my parents was home . I walked in the house and acted as if they weren't there , which was true they never was there .
" come here son" my daddy called from down stairs, and was fixing himself a drink .
" what " I was being rude on purpose they don't know shit about what I do, and they don't care , well it seem like .
" I know your momma and me been giving you sorta the cold shoulder and since you are older I want you to know exactly what's been going on ... I-I'm diagnose with cancer, I don't want you too feel like we've neglected you . You might think we don't c-care but we do , all the time , I been watching you at your games and when you bring Amari in the house . Do right by her boy , cause good girls like that is hard to find . I know you got hoes and shit but don't fall for that shit . We also know she is pregnant and both of you are scared . Since I'm not going to live a little longer I want you to know I love you with all my heart. But I want you too run my business along with your brother" . I was shock , I didn't know a tear fell. It was heartbreaking and I haven't seen them in so many months , and what business ?
" what business " it's fucked up that my brother knew about it.
" I'm getting there son, I'm a king pin, of a lot states , why you think you have everything . I own plenty much of everything , and well your mom will be here to guide you boys , and will show you the ropes , your brother agreed to do with this but how about you " no wonder why Devon been voiding me , it hurts . But I got to do what I got to do.
" I'll do it , but under one condition, Yall have to be here for me no matter what" I missed my parents , most of Yall would've thought I was sissy but no I'm not .
I was pulling up in Mari drive way, I know she's mad at me , but I'm trying to do right , it's hard. I been out late at night and slept in my , baby's first appointment . This drug lord shit , is getting a little out of hand , I don't know how I'm going to tell her , but I'm bringing in stacks , every night . It feels good to be a leader , but I won't let that interfere with my dreams .
I got out the car and knocked on the door . Mari mom opened it .
" it's my other baby, hey boo" she's so fine , I'm glad I have Amari so I can look at the pretty face when ever I won't , but she's like a mom to me .
" hey mama " I hugged her and walked in the house . I was nervous, but I go to do what I got to do, and only Amari knows that I'm a sensitive guy .
I heard my bab- Darion down the hall way, I don't know what's up with us sometimes . I just had on something simple , a big black tee that said flawless on it, and with my pink wedges and blue skinny jeans . I got to say for a pregnant girl I still looked bad . After the finishing touches I went down stairs with Darion . I see had to copped my style , we basically had the same thing on , but his doesn't say anything and he had on some pink Jordans . I just wanted to hop on him right then and there .
" take a picture it last longer baby" I ignored him and went straight to the kitchen to start making my plate , and his plate . Yeah, I'm that nice and he's my baby daddy .
" daddy I want some of your pie" I been craving that pie since this morning . I started to pout.
" you gone have to wait , little girl"
After eating , we went into the game room. Our game room and something like another house .
" You ready" I whispered to Darion . I noticed he was nervous ass fuck and looked like he been crying .
" nah im good baby lets get this over with, if anything happens , I got both of you " I bit my lip, it's just the way he said it . These hormones are driving me crazy and I haven't had sex in 2 weeks.
" daddy gone take of you " he smirked , I'm still mad at him . He grabbed me by the waist and twirled me around .
" baby I'm sorry that I missed the appointment , I slept in and I set my alarm clock and I wasn't with anyone " I can sense something was throwing him off , I don't have time for games man .
" what you hiding from me " his facial reaction changed . I hope he's not doing what I think he is. I started to tear up , he can't be doing that .
" Bae stop crying , and I'll tell you later , this isn't the right time " this is the perfect time , but it's his rules .
We say by each other , I really miss being in his arms, he held me protectively . It was cute . When my parents Walked in , I wanted to get this shit over with.
" mommy and daddy , me and Darion have something tell you" they gave us their full attention.
" impregantandhesthefather" after I said that I took a deep breath.
" repeat yourself Amari Sophia Beckman" my daddy said it in a very tone voice. I almost shitted on myself .
" I'm pregnant and he's the father" I looked at their face reaction, they didn't say anything .
" C-Can you guys say something ... P-please " I was on the edge of breaking down.
" Get the fuck out my house " is all i heard from my dad . Where did my world come to .
Amari and Darion
In the picture . With Amari flat stomach 💕

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