Chapter 27

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The end of the book is basically going to be about Darion and Amari, a little of everybody else. Just because the book is basically about those two.

This book is ending soon, so hope you enjoy 😘

Darion :

I been in this place for at least two weeks, I wish I could know what's going on. I miss my baby, and I wonder how our babies doing. Her due date is soon and I pray that I be there to hold my babies and be with my woman.

" Moore" I raised up as I heard my last name.

" you got bail " A nigga was cheesing like a mothafucka, I hope I don't go back to that shit hole, niggas gay in there and then I had to eat that nasty ass food .

I walked behind the officer and saw Amari behind the desk.

I hugged her tightly and kissed her passionately.

" I missed you baby" I said whispering in her ear. I felt my shirt becoming damp.

" why you crying " I asked, I was concerned I hope everything is going to be okay.

" I miss you more baby, but you have a court date tomorrow that's why they let you out" she said hugging me even tighter, I didn't know that shit was going to be so soon.

" well we are going to make the best out of this day" I said pulling her out the door getting into the driver seat as she passed me the keys.

On the ride home, it was a awkward silence. I saw cars outside our condo, that I new were familiar.

I got out and help Amari out as well. I pulled her by her waist.

" baby don't be so down, I love you so much, I would never do anything to fuck up what's happening right now and even if I might not be able to attend the birth of our kids, I love you" I said looking at her deep in her eyes.

She nodded her head wiping a tear away from my eyes.

" I love you so much baby" she said pecking my lips and going deeper in the kiss.

We walked inside our house, when I saw both of my brothers and niece eating.

" uncle Darry, TT been crying , I hope she stops crying, me miss you " she said hoping on my lap kissing my cheek.

" I miss you too Manda bear" I said tickling her.

I saw Mari on the side with a smile on her face.

Amanda ran off my lap to Mishon.

He came and hugged me so did Devon.

" it's going to get better man" I nodded I didn't feel like talking or get into details about tomorrow.

" so what's been going on" I asked.

" man you missed it Queta keyed the shit out of Devons car, busted his windows and tires "

I started laughing , tears coming out my eyes.

" what you do "

" I didn't do shit " I gave him . " a nigga you know you did " something look.

" I was at one of my hoes house getting my dick wet damn"

" then was going to come home and try lay under ain't this some shit d " I heard Queta come from the kitchen and ran and hugged me.

" why you do my brother like that"

" I can't be dealing with a nigga that doesn't know how to grow up. Shit look at me , and he wanna cheat with a popcorn hoe" she rolling her eyes, I shook my head, and looked around for Amari.

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