Chapter 18

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Tyler :

I woke up with a different bitch last night, her pussy was loose as fuck. Her head game strong ass hell though. I moved away from her too get my shit so I can bounce, but I failed.

" So you gone fuck me and leave " she said all sad.

" you damn right " I don't show no
Remorse to these hoes. I got to head to see the boss .

I grabbed my shit , and before I left out I turned around.

" thanks for the night though baby" I said and blew her a kiss.

I got in my car and drove to the fuck house called the trap.

I walked in the trap and did the usual thing I do when I come. Knock at 10 fucking times and say these annoying ass codes.

I nodded at the guys and headed to the boss office.

" what's up boss " I said and took a seat .

" We got some bad news and good news, which one you like to hear first" this nigga go straight to the point. I don't mind but I still don't like his ass, I don't even know why I'm doing this shit .

" Man, go straight to point." I said .

" g-give me the good news first"

" alright then the good news is that little bitch going back to school tomorrow and you can get her from there " I don't respect the fact that he called Amari a bitch. Even though I still love her but shit, if she feeling that fuck nigga I'm falling back and plus my hoes ain't going no where. To figure out how the hell he knows all this shit .

" Yo, man don't be calling her out her name, fuck wrong with y-" he put his hand up silencing me,this nigga evil.

" I can do what the fuck I want; and what I tell you I expect you to do it . An the bad news is, She's pregnant with twins" my heart dropped, somewhat im glad that it's not my baby cause I might not even be here no more to be real. She love him that much to be having his baby? I can't lie I'm jealous but proud at the same time. I can't go through this deal and it'll jeopardize her baby.

" And if you don't go through this deal, your dead . Understand . Now be dismiss "

I got up and went to my car and banged my head on the steering wheel. I fucked up in the past with Amari, I love her too much to let anything happen to her for my selfish reasons and that nigga ain't did shit to me. I can't let this happen, I need a plan.

Darion :

I can't lie I was scared ass fuck that Amari had a knife stuck to my throat. She talking about me bipolar and she's bipolar and I was playing. I can't lie I am a little bipolar, maybe I do need to get checked out.

She locked me out the room last might so I had to sleep in the other room. Im always feeling guilty, she always support me , but for me to say that. I know I hurt her .

So to make it up to her before school. I made breakfast. A nigga can Cook when he want too, don't get a nigga that can't cook worth shit.

I made Pancakes, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and cut up her favorite fruit which is strawberries. Poured her some apple juice and put it on a little tray. I just want to make her feel appreciated, I'm thankful for her.

I unlocked her room with a key that's above our door. When I walked in the room, the room was like a bachelor room. I never walked in the room when I came in. So for her to this for me, I knew I had to step my game up. Plus the condo is beautiful.

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