Chapter 13

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* Amari Pov*

I knew how Darion felt about him, but for him to show up unexpected, was just. I can't even explain. Darion never was a fan of him, and especially, Derrick. I love Derrick like a brother, so it really didn't, get into big issue. As long he know his place.

" h-hey" I stuttered .

I looked back and Darion was at the same spot I left him, he didn't move . He just stared, it was sexy how his jaw tightened, but I know he's pissed.

" What's up , Mari " only person who called me Mari was my parents, Derrick, Queta , and Darion. He smirked and walked in the room , face to face with Darion.

" why you here " Darion asked. This the first time I ever heard him speak in the last 20 minutes .

" damn, I can't come and check up on my first love " Tyler said. He knew what he was doing . While, we was in a relationship , he was such a control freak. Everything I did was a problem, but I was so in love with him. I never known why . Maybe because, he just was there when my parents wasn't and they was off making movies. My parents knew about him but he never known my parents . I don't like people in my personal life, especially him. I was so dumb in love . He looked like he gotten tone up a little , and grew a lot of facial hair; he looked good but ain't got shit on my Darion .

Darion grabbed me by my waist, and held me tightly .

" it's cute , but she'll always come back running to me . Right baby " He tried to rub my face but I flinched away .

" I will never come back to you, I couldn't even love my self . Darion was here for everything . Don't ever call me baby neither " I'm trying to be nice to his ass but I'm pissed , like damn leave me the hell alone , I'm happy with my man.

* Darion POV*

Why this nigga here , and how the hell he found out that Mari was in the hospital .

This nigga put my baby in hell . I had put pieces together to help her. I never left her side , when he use to beat her until she was unconscious, been raped because he wanted money . This nigga sick .

Amari pressed up against me.

" baby make him leave p-please" Amari whispered in my ear.

" yo' man you got to leave , and don't bring your ass back here"

He walked over to where we was, he kept getting closer and closer.

" I'll leave when I want to leave bitch " he whispered and yelled to me in my face . Nigga spit all in my face . I would fight his ass, he just a pussy boy, you can look at this nigga and tell .

I pulled my piece out , on that ass .

" DARION PUT THE GUN DOWN" Amari yelled in tears , I don't wanna see my baby like this , scared and shit over this pussy ass nigga .

" do what she tell you too do , you ain't wit it anyway " I can't stand niggas with all talk . I put my silencer on my Gun and shot his foot .

" I'm wit it , you just ain't . Stay away from my girl , or you'll see a death wish"

He got up and limped out the door , and turned around .

" Watch your back , you might gotten a call" he smirked and walked out .

I turned to Amari , she wouldn't look at me , I know she's scared, but I got to protect my babies. I walked up to her and grabbed her waist . She moved away from my grip .

" w-w-what phone call " she stuttered I didn't want to tell her . But I'm not keeping shit away from her , never again.

I took a deep breath .

" I got a call the day before you woke up , it was a unknown number , he was telling me about how my dad ain't teach me shit and watch out for my beautiful pregnant girl and hung up "

That was basically what he said , I'm scared but I'm man enough to watch out for my babies. She walked back a forth .

" what the fuck they want with me, I ain't did shit with nobody . Darion what you do "

" baby I didn't do anything, I promise . I killed 3 people since I been in . I'm going to get the bottom of it . I won't let nothing happen to neither one of you "

" Darion how I know you won't leave me , to raise our child , I can't lose you . Don't do shit with out me . DO you understand "

" No I don't want you too stress out , about me . I got both of y'all "

She still wouldn't let me grab her, I keep explaining to her. I don't want her stress about me and this king pin shit.

" Darion stop being so fucking selfish and stubborn , I'm helping you either way you like or not . We got a baby to raise and I'd be damn if my baby be without a father "

She was right , I don't want my child to call another nigga daddy . Got me fucked up .

" okay . Damn . Now Gimmie kiss "

I pecked her lips.

" I love you , don't forget that" I said in between the kiss . I love kissing her lips , it's just that soft .

" I love you too daddy , don't you ever forget that "

* Tyler in picture , I don't like him already " 😑

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