Chapter 33

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Darion :

I couldn't help but stare at Amari, she's more beautiful than I saw i when I last seen her. Her ass got hella fat, and damn she got hella curves.

We made it to this big ass house. I don't even know where we at but I know we ain't in Atlanta no more.

" who crib this is "

" it's ours nigga" Amari said getting out the car, without helping me out. My ass still tied to these chains.

Devon hop out the car taking them off my ankles and wrist.

" aight bro see you around" he said hoping in the car. The fuck he mean see me around.

I grabbed Amari by her waist and she tense up.

" baby you nervous" I asked kissing her neck.

" boy get off me you need to take a shower before the babies get here " she said and walked away.

" your stuff in the room, and all that shit you usually do" she yelled while I was walking up stairs looking for our room.

This house was big ass fuck, I know Pops and mama Shelia had to help her out.

I walked in our room to see billboards and shit everywhere, with Amari ass half naked.


" what nigga why you calling my full name" she said walking in the room with a attitude.

" why the fuck you half naked"

" cause I'm a model" she said rolling her eyes.

" you a model and you letting these niggas see what's mines" I said taking the posters down.

" boy if you don't put my shit back up " she walked closer to where I was standing.

" I ain't putting shit back up"

" don't come in this house trippin, if your ass wouldn't said what you said this shit wouldn't be happening. If your ass wasn't a drug lord this shit wouldn't be happening. IF YOUR ASS WAS HERE WITH ME WITH OUR KIDS THIS shit wouldn't be happening" she said yelling at me punching me in my chest and left out the room.

I thought we was doing fine.

I got up and went in our bathroom, this shit look like some off MTV cribs , they don't even play on TV no more but it was nice. The bathroom look like it can take at least 50 people in here.

When I got done, doing the shit I was doing the door bell ranged.

I went down stairs until I heard mama Shelia and I stopped.

" baby why you been crying" she asked Amari.

" mama we got into it. This too much I been stressing so much that I'm not really happy anymore " she said breaking down.

" it'll get better baby, but here are my grandbabies" she said kissing her cheek and leaving out the house.

I came down the stairs with no shirt on. I haven't seen my babies in six months and that's a long ass time. I had to be man enough to claim King as mines too, he does need a father I thought it would be weird.

I looked at them and they was staring at me. Royal started crying and then Londyn and King started crying. Mari came rushing in the front.

" why Yall crying " she said taking them out of their car seats.

It hurts that they don't even know who I am, I'm a compete stranger to my kids, I tried to hold the tears that building up.

They looked at me and kept crying I was bout to just go up stairs and look at the wall until Mari stopped me.

" where you going sit down" I didn't feel like arguing with her so i did what she said.

The babies was sitting up on their own a little. I Couldn't lie if I ever said that Londyn and Royal wasn't mines. They were my twins, and King he favor me too.

Mari came back with a picture.

" hey mommy babies" she said kissing there cheeks and they smiled.

" look there's Dada" she said pointing to me looking at me in my eyes. She pulled out a picture .

" look there's your daddy he's here now" they grabbed the picture looking at it smiling.

" baby come here" she said getting up and grabbing my hand .

They came reaching to me. I grabbed them careful as they laid on me. Londyn was on my chest while Royal and King was on my lap.

" I knew it hurted you when they was staring at you. They don't like strangers so I kept showing them a picture of you. When they wouldn't go to sleep at night I would show them a picture and they'll smile and stop crying" Mari said crying.

" babe come here" she came closer to me.

" I love you, stop crying it's okay you did good by raising them for these six months and now it's my turn I want you to be happy" I said kissing her .

" I love you too"

The three babies sat up and looked at me.

" dada " I smiled big ass hell, Londyn called me dada. That shit was hella cute.

" dada "

" dada"

All three of them started saying it.

" for them being six months talking already they gonna be smart ass hell" I said as Mari nodded her head smiling.

" baby they call you dada that shit was cute"

" ma ma " they said next. It's nothing like Being with my family.

‼️‼️ Boring I know, some shit bout to pop off soon. But , Londyn on the left, Royal on the top right and King on the bottom right ‼️

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