Chapter 16

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Queta :

When I got a text from that " it boy" Darion, saying we need to be at Mari's parents house in 10 . I wonder what that's about , and I haven't talked to my Bestfriend in a month and it's been killing me . I know I fucked up, I guess I was so in my feelings when I let that shit destroyed me. Even Darion won't look my way, I feel like shit , when he called me out my name and then felt betrayed when he thought I took his brother away from him. I never knew that, they wasn't really that close.

I really like Devon, which I some what feel that I'm falling in love with him. I
Don't want to fall in love, and then he leaves me . Everything is going good , but what Darion said played in my mind for a while now.

"Babe, we got to go to Mari house"

I Said to Devon. I'm at his house, I don't go to my own house which my crackhead mother stays , I love her so much , but I can't keep seeing her like that.

" I know he sent me the same text, let's roll out "

It seemed like he hesitated for a little bit, I know he feels some type of way. He won't even talk to me he keeps giving me the cold shoulder. That's the main reason that I'm scared that I might be falling in love with him . Even the little things I love about him, he still fucking with these hoes, I'm fed up and we ain't even officials yet. It's so complicated . I want my brother and Bestfriend back.

Devon :

I been feeling out of place, for a while now. What my little brother said to me that day in the hospital made me feel some type of way. I never known he felt that way, it's just . I can't explain . When we was little we use to be so tight a bond that any other brother would to have with their little brother . That's how close we were, when you see him you see me , when you me you see him. All that shit went down hill, when I started being on the football team and basketball team, our parents alway made sure to come to our games. When he tried to hang with me I pushed him away and hung out with my other "friends". I remember it like yesterday .

We just won our first championship game at Southman. My parents were more than joyful.

" I'm so proud of you son" my parents said in a unison.

" thanks pops, ma " I said hugging them. Even though we we're two years apart, I felt like Darion couldn't hang with me .

" Good job bro, how about you show me some moves when we get home" Darion said . Before I could say anything .

" Yo man, we partying tonight you down " my teammate, Jake said .

" Yeah fool im down. " I looked down at Darion, guilt felt all over me .

" Darion, I-I-I got to go . " I walked away with a smirk, I didn't like being tied down to him. He was always falling behind me like a lost puppy.

" don't wait up " I said walking out the door . When I turned away , he had his head down, I didn't care then. I was trying to become popular .

And until that day, I never thought nothing of it until now . I got held back a grade for me trying to chase around these hoes, I fucked up bad and started this king pin shit . Which got me out of all the stress I held built up .

Darion would never looked my way, we some what talked at school but we never held a really brotherly conversation until Mari got in a fight . I love that girl like a sister . He don't fuck with many , I noticed that at school . I don't know what I'll
Do if I Lost him. I need to fix this shit.

Amari :

I held on to Darion's hand tightly. I was nervous I don't even know why I was nervous. I'm the one whose caring twins, and getting fatter and fatter .

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