Chapter 22

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Mishon :

I didn't know how to use a gps in Darion's car, and I wish he would've showed me. Hell, I'm slick scared of them niggas, it feel weird to be cool with complete strangers that you don't even know shit about. Even though I barely know Amari and Queta, I hope my sisters are okay, and why the fuck they all the way in Washington. Something is going on and I'm going to figure it out.

I looked in the backseat to see my baby girl sleep. I don't know how their parents going to act when they see us. I don't even have parents and they're blessed, and shit I'm not.

I finally got to figure out the GPS. I followed the directions. I hate Gps's you can easily get lost, and then the computer talking so fucking annoying.

We reached, Darion's parents house. I pulled out my phone to let him know we made it.

On the second ring he picked up.

" W-w-we made it " I said stuttering

" cool cool, mane stop all that stuttering shit and Get your ass in the house. You family now, now own up to that shit. "

" alright" I said grabbing Amanda.

" I -I um love you bro, make sure you keep my niece safe "

" Yeah we love you too" I heard Devon and Derrick in the background.

" Shut the fuck up and get to work" Darion said frustrated.

" I love ya'll niggas too" I ranged the door bell .

" aight, one" Darion said ending the call.

I almost fainted when I saw Trey and Shelia Beckman open the door. MAN, Sheila was finer in person than on TV.

" Boy get your ass in this house" she said waking up Amanda.

I walked with Amanda in my arms. Rubbing her eyes, and laying on the side of my neck.

I walked in and sat on the couch across from everyone else.

" Da-da , why tey stawring "

" this u-Um your little girl " a woman ask which I figure that was Darion's and Devon mom.

" Yes ma'am "

" How old are you son" A large male figure said getting up and walking to the other side which I notice it was their dad.

" I'm 16 sir" before my mom gotten heavy on drugs she always told me to be respectful to elders even when their not respectful to you. I felt like that shit was bogus , I don't respect no one who doesn't respect me, but I notice this is a cold hearted world.

" im 2 " Amanda said putting up two fingers.

I kissed her cheek and smiled. I've been working with Amanda ever since she knew how to talk. She know's her Abc's and all that.

" and what's your name pretty girl" Amanda finally looked up to see Shelia and Trey in front of her. My baby love their movies, she always said she was going to be big and beautiful like Shelia when she grows up and a prince like Trey.

" da-da it's them " she whispered in my ear.

" Amanda" she said

" that's a pretty name for a beautiful girl " Trey said .

Before I knew it , Amanda went to go hug four of them.

"da-da I got grandpawents, " she smiled happily. Amanda never had anyone close to her, I wonder how long this last.

Shelia :

This little girl is so beautiful, she reminds me of Amari when she was little. When she said Grandparents, Trey gave me a questioning look. I looked at the boy, he looked like he has a rough life, and was very uneasy. I realized, that he didn't want to be much a burden but I wouldn't mind at all.

" who said we were her grandparents " Trey whispered in my ear.

I wanted to slap the shit out of him. This little girl was happy for all the sudden, her eyes gotten big.

" Grawnpaw , I want my Prwince to be just like you " she said hugging Trey and kissing his cheek.

" Amanda im going to be your only prince right"

The little girl laughed.

"Yes daddy, bhut nofuning like Grandpa" she said .

" and Grandma, I whant to be big and beawtuiful like you "

She went over to Darion's parents.

" Paw-Paw you look just like unkle Darry and Dev" she's already making up nicknames I wonder how she knows all this.

" Ma-Ma , your so pretty" she said , making everyone smile .

" Amanda baby, your getting sleepy"

" son I didn't get your name "

" it's Mishon" he said extending his hand. We looked at him and gathered him with a hug .

"you can call me mama boy " I said hugging him.

" You can call me dad " Trey said .

" same for us, your family. "

Mishon looked speechless, he might wanted to cry but didn't want to show it. He's a little tough cookie.

" Manda, go up to stairs into your aunties room and watch tv " Trey said .

" Grawndpa where are they" she asked furiously . Trey took a deep breath.

" t-they aren't here right now, now go up stairs, so we can talk to your daddy" she ran off to explore the house.

" we don't have anything she can get into" I assured Mishon . He nodded his head.

" so where's your new sisters"

He started from the beginning which torn my heart. Amari and Queta have a good heart, I want my babies to be okay even if I have to go to war. I know Devon and Darion doing all they can but I want my babies back with me, when they get back.

I don't think Amari or Queta would like for Mama Shelia, to tear her and DARION apart or QUETA and Devon little fling apart.

Comment and Whatever.

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