Chapter 39

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Amari POV:

" damn Queta are you done"
This girl been doing my hair for the last 5 hours it seem like, I'm getting irritated, and I just want to be with my man and babies.

" Girl don't fucking rush me, It takes a while to look this good" she said sucking her teeth and
rolling her eyes.

I swear she gets on my fucking nerves.

" and I'm done" she said folding her arms, looking at me.

" damn about time can I look at myself"

" Hell no, you can wait that's why I got the mirror covered anyways" she flipping the comb around with her hand on her hip.

" I swear you too fucking much"

" girl hush after this your gonna love me"

She turned my chair around and ran in the bathroom to get whatever she was getting. When she came out she had some make up.

" oh hell no you ain't doing my make up"

" Amari shut up, do you trust me" she asked. I had to think about it shit I really don't know.

She pinched me.

" Damn Q that shit hurt" I whined .

" answer my question do you trust me, I won't fuck you up your my Bestfriend"

" last time I let you do my makeup you fucked up my eyebrows" I hesitated for a moment.

" fine bitch you fuck me up im cutting your hair off "

She didn't saying anything but smiled. I shook my head and let her get finish with what she was doing.

Meanwhile I couldn't help but think about my life has become. Darion being locked up, me having the twins and then King on the way. I can't explain on how they are a beautiful blessing to me. Especially with all the drama and shit that happened but I managed to get through the shit . Even if I wanted to do Darion dirty but I couldn't. Even though we are young that man is the love of my life and I'll go crazy over that nigga, he gave me two beautiful babies and took King as his own. I didn't think he would do it.

" Now Mari your outfit is in the bathroom go get dress" she said I walked in the bathroom to see the damn mirrors are covered. Type of shit is this I want to at least see how I look before I step foot out this bitch.

I saw the outfit hanging up, I almost fainted when I saw this shit. My Bestfriend has hella good taste.

I put the outfit on and the earrings that went with it, also the black toe out heels that goes with it.

" Mari hurry up " i Queta say on the other side of the door.

" damn hold up" I said adjusting the skirt. I walked out the bathroom to see Queta wide eyed.

I waved my hands in her face.

" damn I must be looking hella good"

" Yes bitch that asss though" she said emphasizing ass I couldn't help but laugh.

" now can I see myself" she nodded her head and uncovered the mirror I looked at my self in the mirror. I looked like a whole different person with me having the babies and I got more ass and curves, and my appearance changed a lot since high school.

I heard a knock on the door. Queta went to go answered it. I saw a man with a black suit at the door.

" Mari my work here is done have fun with your man, I need some dick" she said kissing my cheek and walking away.

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