Chapter 24

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My phone ranged, as I was getting comfortable in this seat. This was going to be a long ride and I wanted to have enough sleep.

But someone just had to call me. I picked it up on the first ring not even looking at the caller ID .


"Baby" I took the phone off of my ear too look at the caller Id.

" Terrell baby you there "

" yeah I'm here. Are you okay? " I asked concerned.

" yes a lot of shit been happening, please hurry and come get us"

" where ya'll at " I asked which I already knew.

" in Washington, on Harlem avenue some where around there In a vacant building you can't miss it"

I couldn't help but think who wants to
Kidnap a pregnant girl and she ain't did shit to no one.

" oooh DARION you better get your little hoe Jessica cause when I'm out of here im killing her ass "

" me too" I heard Queta. Devon looked up too see I was on the phone .

" ima track the call" he whispered and i nodded my head.

" do what you got to do baby " It feels good to hear her voice.

I heard sniffling on the other end.

" baby what's wrong , what the fuck happen" I said standing up.

" n-n-nothing im just horny"

Amari :

I was so sexually frustrated, when I heard Darion's voice. The way he talked made me wet.

" you can't be thinking bout that shit Mari ."

" it ain't my fault it's yours , you got me traumatized "

He laughed.

" I know you miss daddy, baby i'ma give it to you when I get you I promise"

the way it rolled off his tongue when he said that, I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me.

" how is Mishon and the little girl " I asked changing the subject.

"They good, Amanda talk to fucking much and she ask bout you and Queta"

I blushed.

" I got a little brother that's not my blood and niece . I can't wait to see her"

"And I can't wait to see you "

I started crying, I didn't hear anyone out side the door until Queta tapped me and pointed to the door.

" baby stop crying I love you "

"I-I love you too . My phone is on a full battery so don't hang up I want you to hear everything"

I didn't wait until he replied when I put it in my front pocket , so the light won't show.

"put the handcuffs on but don't lock it" I whispered to Queta . This my bitch she don't ask questions , if she do it's going to be after. I know she want to get out of here the same amount as I do.

The door open.

"Bitch why your eyes puffy, you miss your little boyfriend"

Some dude ask in all black, I couldn't recognize his face. I didn't say anything, neither did Queta.

" bitch you hear me talking to you" he said slapping me in my face and Queta. My blood foamed up in my mouth, I let out a silent scream.

" you a weak one, and sexy ass hell while pregnant" he said walking closer.

" don't touch me " I yelled

" I can touch you if I want to, can't nobody save you not even this bitch over here"

He got close to my face crashing his lips in my mines and biting my bottom lip. Which made it bleed even more.

" I'm going to have a little fun with you" he said trying to take off my shirt.

" STOP " I yelled .

" don't fucking touch her" Queta yelled.

He punched me over and over , I was going end and out of conscious, only thing I remember was when Queta was yelling my name.

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