Chapter 38

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Birthday behavior Part 2/3

Amari :

Darion told me to go to our parents house. My parents and his stay right next door to each other. Sometimes I wonder why.

I made it to my parents house and walked in the house to see my parents eating at the dining room table.

" mommy , daddy" I said with a kiddy voice.

" mama, Pops " Darion yelled behind me caring the kids. I grabbed King from him.

" why the hell y'all yelling in my house" my momma said hugging me.

" happy birthday baby" both of my parents said, while everybody else was crowded in the room. Even Queta, Derrick, JT and the gang. I was looking for Amanda, she ran down stairs tackling my legs.

" TT, where my cousins" she said looking around the room I pointed to them and she ran to baby sit she calls it. She treats them as her brothers and sister to be honest. I think Her and Londyn going to be bestfriends.

"'Happy birthday sis" Mishon came and swoop me up in his arms.

" thank you guys" I said hugging them all. I missed my Bestfriend the most.

" I miss you so much " we said together.

We just saw each other the other day but shit I can't be more excited to see my Bestfriend.

" damn girl that ass is just" she said trying to catch her breath.

" we got you something" my parents said.

" well shit everybody did" Queta said sipping on her drink.

Everyone brought what they had out, my parents got me a watch and some heels I been eyeing the longest.

Darion's parents got me some clothes, I swear his mom knows my style and size and all. Their like my other parents.

Meanwhile' JT and gang pitched in and got me studded gun. This shit was sexy I had tears in my eyes.

" Thank you, I love Yall" I said hugging them.

I looked at Devon, Mishon, Derrick, and Queta. They looked spaced out or they was thinking of something heavy. I know those looks.

" Ya'll okay " I asked them. They shook their heads and went to talk to Darion damn they being a little fishy.

" baby lets go" he said as I was about to grab my babies.

" we leaving them here" he said grabbing my by my waist.

" bye mama bye pops " he said and all four of them yelled bye and was smiling from ear to ear. I wonder what that was about.

" Terrell I didn't get to kiss my babies goodbye " I pouted.

" You'll see them tomorrow" he said looking at me in my eyes.

" your so beautiful baby, I'm blessed to have a woman on my arms like you " He said kissing me, It felt like the first time he asked me to be his girlfriend. All those memories field my head.

" I'm thankful for you too boo"

We made it to a sexy ass hotel.

" why we here " I asked looking at him.

" just follow me to your room" he said looking at me. The fuck he mean your room, don't he mean ours.

I didn't want to ask questions cause I know how he is.

We reached my so called hotel room.

" I'll see you later tonight baby" he said smacking my ass and was playing with my girl.

" Mmm, why later tonight " I moaned out.

He shook his head and looked at me in my eyes.

" I love you" he said walking away, leaving my sexually frustrated.

I walked in my room too see Queta on the bed playing with her phone.

" the fuck you doing here"
I guess I scared her cause she fell off the bed laughing.

" damn bitch don't be scaring me like that, now don't be asking questions. It's your day wifey" she said being excited ass hell. I wonder what this nigga got in stored for me.

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