Chapter 9

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* Darion POV*
We rushed to the hospital , me and momma Shelia was in the car and I was driving, while that punk ass nigga was riding with Amari. I don't feel bad about what I did with her dad , but me and Mari situation could've been handled a little better. We rushed in the building trailing behind, Mari .
" This Young lady is bleeding pretty bad . " one of the nurses yelled .
" Is she going to be okay , please tell me she's going to be okay " I yelled, This shit can't be happening to me , I don't wanna lose the love of my life . When I found out who those niggas are , they dead; don't nobody fuck with my baby momma.
" sir I need you too stay back , I will do all I can do for her , I promise . My name is Dr.James , I will let you know everything."
" Yo she pregnant "
" what are you too her" why the fuck this nigga asking me all these questions.
" I'm her fucking fiancé , so stop asking me these damn questions, and go see about my woman and child . " I was heated , I almost punched his ass.
" Y-yes sir " he walked and went somewhere . My head was pounding from all this . Blood all over my clothes, I wanna break down but a nigga like me I can't do it , I got to stay strong for my woman, even tho I fucked up bad, a nigga feeling shitty. Mane , my baby in the hospital , because of the shit I pulled. Her ole man hate me , and ion even know about momma Shelia . I just hope my girl alright .
*Few hours later "
This reception girl been trying to flirt with me , she ugly ass shit . You can even see her tracks in her head, baby girl need a miracle I swear .

" Mmm, what's up daddy " This is mad disgusting and Mari parents aren't talking to me and I don't blame them, I fucked up . I wish my parents were here .
" bitch you need a breath mint , get out my fucking face " One thing I can't stand a girl , that has a Stanky ass breath , seem like they don't believe in a tooth brush or tooth paste .
She smacked her crusty lips .

" boy you know you want this" Okay so this bitch was looking at me and then at somebody else , I'm confused but this bitch is insane , she can't stand still. She on some type of shit . I might be selling to her . You never know.
" Say one more word too me i'mma kill
Yo ass "
I showed her my piece , and went to sit down.
" The Beckman family" I heard the doctor say .
" You would like the bad news or the good news first "
I pray that the bad news won't be too bad .
" good then bad , mane . "

" okay , well . She was in critical condition which made her to lose a lot of blood , and we stopped it . She is very strong , and for the baby it survived , it hasn't truly develop yet, but we will keep a watch on the both of them. As while of Amari condition , she is in a coma, we don't know how long she will be in a coma"

". W-what you mean you don't know how long she's going to be in a coma" both her parents said .

" it means she can be in a coma until she give birth or she me not wake up , but I will make sure she will be well take care of " I wanted to punch this nigga, he said if she wake up . I don't know what I can do with out her . I'm scared , anything nigga would be ashame to say that they are scared , but me I'm scared , I'm soft around Amari she seen me cry and all . This is too much . I walked aways and punch a whole in the wall . I wanna see my baby .

" I want to go see her , can I go see her " he gave me a questioning look.

" Yes you can young man , she's in room A234 but wait , I promise I will do all my might to make sure she is up and ready . " that's all
I could ask for but how ? And she's in a. Coma . I walked to the room
And closed the door . When I walked in there, she had all these IV's in her ,her face was messed up bad but she was still beautiful , all the shit I put her through and look where we are now . I grabbed the chair and sat beside her, and held her hand .

All I could hear is all these beeping noises , but I can't open my eyes . I can't move , but I can feel some one beside me . I heard sniffing and I knew it was Darion baby ass.
" baby, wake up , I miss you already . Wake up for me and the baby. Don't give up on us , I'm sorry for Whatever I done to you , if we didn't let that argument happen you wouldn't have left the house . I'm sorry , I disappointed you , I apologize for everything I said , baby . I love you so much . Just don't give up .. j-j-just don't you never gave up on me and i-im not giving up on you"
He held my hand, so tight and pecked my lips . Lord I miss those lips already .
" I promise I'll be back later tonight , I love you baby "
I wanted to move but I couldn't damn it.
God please let me open my eyes please.
I said a silent prayer and drifted off to sleep.

This a little short , but comment . 😘

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