Chapter 17

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Darion :

As we made it home, I help Amari out the car, picking her up bridal style. A lot of shit was going through my mind. This shit heartbreaking, I want my girl to be happy. I never thought I would be in this situation.

As I walked in the house I laid her on my bed, I can't say it's ours. I don't want to stay in this bitch no more . It bring back too many memories.

I didn't notice Amari was woke until she was just staring at my face.

"Darion come here". She said. I motion beside her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I didn't want to look into her eyes, a nigga might start breaking down. Every nigga shouldn't want to see they girl cry, especially since it's not cause of them.

" baby look at me " she turned my face so I can look into her beautiful eyes. I don't know what I'll do if she ever stopped loving me. I don't even want that shit to happen. Especially since I'm doing all this extra shit and not being here for her and either being at trap. I never knew she felt that way and I've been thinking about that a lot .

" did you hear me " I wasn't listening to her cause I was so caught up in my own thoughts. Every thing I done I felt guilty.

" U-Uh sorry , what you say " I asked scratching my head .

" Terrell listen okay , I love you so much . I can't even explain and every thing I said this morning I meant every word, I'm tired of doing this alone and I can't do this alone. "

She's been very emotional lately, these twins putting a work on her ass. Tears were streaming down her face.

" baby Lo-"

" No Darion, let me finish" she motioned with her finger . "You say you dojng this for the both of us, but you aren't . You doing it for yourself. What would happen if someone comes to get me and your not here. A lot of shit can happen . So I give you the benefit of the doubt and trust you . But make sure you always come to me, especially us every night "

I knew she didn't want me to be in this gang shit . Sometimes I don't want to but I'm too deep in it . It's killing me. For a fact as soon as my babies are born im getting out .

" I promise I will come home for the both of you, baby. I know you don't want me to be in this shit but I'm too deep. " I said as she nodded her head understanding. " but I'm getting out as soon as my princess and king is here, it's not going to easy but I'm going to do it " I said pecking her lips

A smile plastered on her face.

" Plus we packing tonight cause I don't want to stay in this bitch and I know you got a place for us" actually I been knew she had a place, I fucked that up too and it was suppose to be surprise . I found her at home with candles every where and she had the envelop on my night stand. It broke my heart.

" Ho-"

" shh , I got our stuff packed, so let's head out"

Amari :

I couldn't explain how excited I was when Darion said we would be out this hell house. His parents were barely here and we don't even talk much neither do him. At least I get to be at place with my man and can walk around naked if I wanted. Having sex while everybody looking at us. I stay having imagination on where we'll have sex in our condo.

I didn't see none of his cars outside; so I guess he really had this planned out.

We got in the car and was headed to our new home.

As we made it to our new home. Everything was beautiful as how I saw it. Everything I wanted was still where I said I wanted it before but I notice Darion did some finishing touches. Only thing we had to unpack were our clothes and shoes. An we had hella clothes and shoes.

I was cheesing hard ass hell.

" damn nigga stop cheesing so hard you the one who pick this spot out" he said looking at around. " I must admit baby momma you got some taste"

I never wanted to be referred to his baby momma. To me a baby momma always want a check every month, I whether be called a mother. I'm going to stay my own ground and not depend on a nigga, and be a mother to the both of my children.

" don't ever refer me to your baby momma" I said with a attitude that shit pissed me off.

" Damn Mari I was just playing with yo fat ass"

I know this nigga didn't just called me fat. I walked away from the front to the kitchen, it was so beautiful but that doesn't matter right now. I'm trying to find the knives in this bitch.

I don't know what got over him, that bitch bipolar as fuck.

I finally found a knife, I went back to the front to see him watching Martin with his shirt off. I hid the knife behind me.

" Mari bring me some to eat" this nigga got to two feet and want me to get his ass some to eat. I'm the one pregnant and he called me fat.

" I'm straight" I said laying back on the couch watching his every move. Little do he know his ass got strike 2. One for calling me fat and two for thinking I'm his fucking mama .

" YOU DONT NEVER DO SHIT but want to complain. Like damn do anything I do for you good enough, I let your ass come to this damn condo. You ain't never satisfied" this bitch nigga bipolar.

I pulled my knife to his throat. Our relationship crazy ass fuck sometimes and I know that. I'm stressing over this nigga and my family. It's not healthy.

" Mari put the FUCKING KNIFE DOWN" he yelled in my face. I wasn't intimated at all.

" DO YOU KNOW WHAT THE FUCK YOU DID " I looked at him with so much hatred. Bitch called me fat and I'm carrying his big head ass kids.

He didn't say anything so I talked for his stupid ass.

" ONE YOU called me fat , two thinking I'm your damn momma and my ass carrying your mothafuckin kids it should be visa versa, you know . And lastly you had the nerve to tell me I'm never satisfied. Tell me when I'm
Not Darion . Please tell me TERRELL ." Only thing you could hear was the loud ass TV with Martin acting like a retard.

" cat got your tonuge baby, I never complain about shit you do . I support your ass . An how the hell you was happy at first then wanna get mad over some simple shit . How will this relationship last with your bipolar ass. I love you though."

I pecked his lips with the knife still to his throat. I don't give a fuck I swear but I'll never harm my baby, but if I have to I know i will.

" Ama-" I didn't want to hear shit he had to say, bitch Called me fat.

" don't say shit to me. I'm going to bed . We have school in the morning you know or unless you got to go to the trap"

I don't understand him sometimes, but I'm glad I only have week left until graduation. I just hope Darion get his shit together before it's too late. His ass better graduate.

✈️✈️✈️✈️ so like I was bored and 💩 and decided to write this chapter. It's short. But I hope it keeps you guys reading. 💸💸

New Crib in the picture 🏢

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