Chapter 40

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Amari POV :

I'm finally engaged to my high school sweet heart, lord knows how much I love that man. When I showed our parents my ring they were more than happy, even Queta over dramatic ass. Amanda and Mishon, couldn't wait until the wedding and shit and I really wasn't thinking about that. Even Devon, I know he loves Queta, he just don't really show it, and I know Queta Loves Devon , but she don't know how to show it, they some confusing mothafuckas.

My babies are getting grown by the day, now their two years old. Darion and I decided to Postpone our wedding until the kids are a little old enough.

Londyn, is the bossy one, she always want her way and Darion falls for the shit, I don't like it, but she is discipline and smart ass hell. Royal ass is something else, him and King are mama boys and always looking out for their sister, and she always looks after them.

I got them to be in kindergarten, they were really smart and I figured they should be in there, I'm still Goin to let them enjoy being a child, some people are surprise that they even going to kindergarten and their only two years old. I didn't
Want them going to a private school , even if I'm famous and Darion, I want them to meet new people, so their in a public school.

I'm taking them out of school when their, going to the fifth grade, they would be six.

Meanwhile I been thinking a lot about, King meeting his biological parents, I don't want him to feed him lies and believe that we're his real parents when we are but not.

" baby" I said walking in the room with to see Darion with his shirt off, I instantly got wet.

" What's up" he said turning around i bit my lower lip.

" I've been thinking"

" about "

" letting King meet his real parents"

" why Mari " Darion said with so much tone in his voice.

" so he can meet them, we aren't his real parents and I want him to meet them and if he doesn't do the shit he's going to hate us" I said looking at him.

" he don't need to know them, we're his parents" he said walking away from me.

" why you acting like, that. I just want our son to meet his real parents" I knew King memory was extremely, good. I think it's best for them to meet him now.

" Do what you want, I don't care. " he said walking away slamming the door.

" mama what's wrong with daddy" I heard them say at the same time.

" he's just mad that's all, Royal And Londyn pack your bags" I told them, they were going to my parents house, for the weekend while King come with me, we're leaving tonight.

" King you coming with me" I told him picking him up. I have some beautiful kids, their going to be drop dead gorgeous when they get older.

I saw Darion in the corner of my eye coming in the room.

" daddy" King said Hopping off my lap, running to Darion.

" King" he intimated him. He laughed.

Royal and Londyn ran in the room as well, jumping on Darion.

" daddy can we go to the zoo" Londyn said .

" we might " was all Darion say.

" Daddy, can I get a juice " Royal said smiling with his missing teeth.

" Me too" King and Londyn said.

" yeah go get one" he said laughing at them.

I got up from my stop and went in the bathroom to take a shower. I dropped my clothes on the floor, and all I had on was my Victoria secret thong and bra, which was matching. I felt eyes behind me but I didn't look back cause I knew it was that asshole behind me.

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