Chapter 8

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* Trent Beckman POV*
My only girl . My baby girl is having a baby. I knew something was up but I just couldn't put my hands on it . Her sleeping all day , eating more , and she never did liked my pies but now she does. I can't believe this shit .
" w-w-why would you put me out, I fucked up I know but you want me out of this house ? I will leave and would never come back . " Amari got up with Darion behind her not saying a word. I meant what I said when I want her out of my house . She ain't bout to be in my shit .
My wife Shelia didn't say anything but stared at me like a halk .
" go talk to her Trent " Shelia on some other shit thinking I'm going to talk to her . She disappointed me .
" I ain't got nothing to say to her" I got up but not before Shelia 5'0 foot figure got in my face .
" You so fucking selfish, you remember when that was me and you ? I was pregnant with her when I was about to graduate . My parents kicked me . Don't make me go all the way back when your ass thought she wasn't yours . She's still our baby girl BUT DONT TREAT HER LIKE THIS , SHE MADE A MISTAKE AND BABIES ARE NOT A MISTAKE , DONT MAKE HER REGRET SAYING SHIT ELSE TO YOU. IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT NOT MINES . IM GOING TO HELP MY BABY, even if your not in our future grand baby life or not . Don't make the mistake of losing your daughter." Everything she said right, I don't want her feel like she can't come
To me in anyway .
" and yo ass sleeping on the couch . " I sign, and went up to Mari room .
* Darion POV*
YO' shit just got real, but I didn't like when Amari started cry. I wanted to knock her dad out but that would be disrespectful. I truly don't care , he fucking disrespected my future wife . We went into her room and close the door . I just held her in my arms, I sorta know the pain she feels .
" do you think we're ready to be parents " I never thought of that, all this shit coming to fast for a nigha like me . I really want to live my life to the fullest , sometimes I wonder if me and Amari would last , maybe be high school sweethearts , but time will tell . Now we have a baby on the way.
" we are going to be excellent parents and I mean that . " which was true , Amari would be a terrific mom .
" Darion , don't take this the wrong way, but what if the baby tears us apart " before I could say anything , her dad Pop his acorn head ass in the room. Fuck he want .
" Darion can you give us a minute" i was hesitant for a moment but then I gave in . I kissed Mari on the forehead and left out the room .
I turned my back to that man, he's still my dad but the shit he did was foul . Fucking ridiculous, why can't he be happy . I'm starting to love this baby growing inside of me , I know I'm young but you never know what God holds for my future . I can be a self centered bitch when I need to, but right now I'm a very insecure girl and my body is changing every damn day.
" Mari , turn around " my dad said in a very stern voice , but i didn't budge one bit , fuck him .
" okay Mari , I know your mad at me but I'm so sorry , I didn't mean to yell at you , I never yell at you , and I'm just hurt that you got pregnant and haven't even finish high school yet." Darion has been a lot of help lately , but I don't think we will be together in the future , how much I want us to be . Without a doubt I'm finishing high school .
" Mari you hear me " he wanted me out , so that's what I'm exactly going to do , get out . I don't wanna live with Darion his ass gonna stress me out .
" Yes father I hear you " I said sarcastically, getting my clothes and shoes and putting them in a suite case .
" LOOK AMARI SOPHIA , I know I hurt you but damn why you got to be so selfish like your damn momma ? I can't make you stay here but you always have a place to stay if it doesn't work out with Darion , I love you baby girl and I never meant to hurt you . Forgive me "
" I forgive you , and daddy I don't wanna stay with Darion, even if he is my boyfriend , can you and momma help me find a suitable place for me " I don't know how Darion gonna take this when I tell him I'm getting my own condo, I don't wanna depend on him, I don't depend on my dad . My momma always told me " if you want something go get it " and that's exactly what I'm going to do. Fuck how he feels , our relationship been rocky then it becomes a beautiful paradise . Our relationship is so fucking bipolar .
" anything for you baby girl" he kissed my forehead , and then Darion walked in. He looked furious , but I don't know why . I went to go hug him, but he pushed me on the floor . What the fuck . I'm pregnant and he pushes me on the floor , main reason I don't wanna stay with his ass .
" why you tell your punk ass daddy that you don't wanna stay with me ? I'm not good for you " I'm livid right now , he need to stay away from me. On top of that he disrespected my father .
" don't fucking disrespect my dad like that, he ain't did shit to you . And that's almost strike three on your ass . You pushed me on the fucking floor .. IM PREGANT WITH YOUR BIG HEAD ASS BABY , SHIT LIKE THIS MAKE ME DONT WANNA STAY WITH YOUR ASS . You need to get your shit together " I love him so much and it seem he don't realize it , and us being in different homes is for the better and I don't have to stress.
" how I know it's my baby, it could be Derricks" I chuckled a little , he can't be serious .
" you can't be serious " he wants to disown what we both created, wow that's fucked up. I have to go see his parents , I miss them . Shit I'm off topic that's how much I really don't care about this conversation .
" You think this shit is a joke , that baby can't be mines , fuck you and this relationship , I'm done . With you , hope you have nice life ." That put my heart into pieces, this nigga about to bring out the old Amari.
" We ain't done until I say we done , yo ass gone write me a paper and tell me why we SHOULD BE DONE . You ain't shit , if we i have girl hope she don't find a nigga like you . You wouldn't want your daughter dating a nigga like you , but look what you doing . My son is going to be twice as better than you . You ain't shit , how can you disown our fucking CREATION DARION I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON YOU , WHEN YOU FUCK UP IM ALWAYS THERE , I ALWAYS TAKE YOU BACK, and you don't even care , just leave . Please , don't come back " on my way down tears were screaming down my face , I made it outside and was walking . It was late at night , I feel so stupid for coming out here . I was at least 10 minutes away from my- parents house . As I headed home I heard foot steps , I turned around an kept walking . Something came across my mouth. I started to scream , I can't be getting kidnapped , shit . I should've stayed my emotional ass at the house .
" shut up bitch" I couldn't see their face but their voice was very husky .
" yo man she pregnant " at least someone cared about my ass.
" I don't give a fuck , shut the fuck up" and the idiot listen to him what did this world come to man .
He started taking my pants off , I tried to move but he punched me in my mouth, I felt blood everywhere .
" P-p-please stop , don't harm my baby, please " I begg and screamed and no one came to my rescue .
He made a little laugh but a evil laugh .
" shhhh , it'll all be over soon" God please don't let him harm my baby. He started putting my panties to side , and his cold rough hands , was rubbing against my clique . I wish he would stop . He covered my mouth from screaming . After punch after punch ,it seem like hours. I hate my life right now , shit always happens to me . He starting pumping in and out of me , what happen to the dude though ? He was suppose to be my hero . I was wrong . I guess he was finishing up , I couldn't move .
" thanks for the night precious" with that he took off . I fixed my self up as good as possible , and ran home . I kept running without looking back. I just hope my baby is okay. I made it to my house , Darion car was still here . I don't know what too do. I opened the door .
" m-m-momma " I couldn't get my words out . I heard yelling up stairs and something broke . I tried my best to get up there , it seem like hours . I was hurting so much . When I walked up my dad and Darion was in a fight . What for I don't know , but look at me I'm pretty bruised up . An they didn't notice me . I felt something , coming down my leg and it looked like blood . Which it was blood.
" D-d-d-Darion, h-help me . P-please " i could barely talk about a whisper . I started to feel light headed , and next thing you know .
I blacked out . Last thing I heard was Darion .
" baby stay with me , we can't lose you. Baby. I-I-love you ."
I just hope my baby is okay .
Darion has some serious problems . But vote for my book and let others know to read it please 😘

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