Chapter 36

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I don't know what came over me. I walked in the kids room to see they are fully awake.

I got them out of their beds and went down stairs with them to the theater room.

I drunk too much for once, I don't even think Mari wants to be with me anymore. A tear fell on my cheek.

" dada" Londyn said looking at me giggling.

Royal and King looked up at me.

" I love y'all " I said kissing there cheeks.

" Wanna watch a movie with daddy" I asked them. They just looked at me and nodded their heads.

My kids going to be smart I already know.

I put in frozen as they cuddling up on me.

I checked their diapers before going to get some snacks.

" daddy be back" I said getting up going to the kitchen.

I grabbed us some fruity snacks, skittles , and pop corn with a juicy.

I heard foot steps in the kitchen. I turned around to see Mari with a Black eye and busted lip.

She stared at me for a moment and looked away getting a bottle of water.

I tried to hold the tears in my eyes but I couldn't, seeing my baby like that and I did it I didn't even want to be called a man.

" b-b-baby come here " she looked at me for a moment and shook her head no.

" please " I asked sobbing.

She was bout to walk away until I grabbed her by her waist and pulling a chair up.

She tensed up.

" baby don't be scared of me" I said stroking her hair. She didn't say anything.

" Mari talk to me"

" it ain't shit to talk about"

" Mari look at me " I turned her face around and looked at the damage I done.

" baby I'm sorry I don't know what came over me, I drunk
Too much and I was in my feelings when you left I thought you was going to kill her babe. When you came home I thought you did something to fuck our family up"

" c-can I get up now " she asked looking everywhere but my eyes.

I nodded my head and let her up and pecked her lips.

" I love you baby, I won't do it again. I'm sorry" I said walking away to see Royal, King, and Londyn enjoying the movie.

I picked Londyn up.

" don't ever let a man put there hands on you baby girl" I said breaking down while she was in my arms .

I woke up to smell cooking in the kitchen.

I put Londyn on my neck, while Royal and King was on my

When we got in the kitchen Mari was cooking breakfast, I looked at her face too see she packed it with makeup.

I put the kids down as they crawled around the floor.

" eat eat" Royal said looking at Mari.

" yes baby your bout to eat eat" she said laughing kissing his cheek.

I grabbed Mari by her waist and kissed her cheek.

" good morning baby" she said looking at me, I know she's hurt I don't know why she's acting like this.

" morning " I said raising a eyebrow.

I put the kids in their High chair as Mari put their food on the table.

" ready to eat eat mama babies" she cooed at them.

We sat down and ate while the babies was talking to each in baby talk.

They started rubbing their eyes.

" Yall tired " I asked them they nodded their head.

" bye bye ma ma" they as unsion I swear they asses should've been triplets.

I put them in their rooms and walked out to see Mari sitting on the stool rolling up.

" when you started smoking"
I asked as she jumped.

" boy don't scare me like, and after I had the babies I was stressed" I nodded my head .

" sorry I couldn't be there" I said looking up at her.

" it's okay baby, it's not your fault. It's done and over with and the bitch dead" she said rolling it up, she looked sexy ass fuck.

" what you mean dead who set me up"

" Alicia " she said simply I didn't feel like arguing with her cause I know I was in a bad spot already.

" about yest-"

" don't say shit Darion, baby I forgive you but don't do that shit again or your ass is on the curb" she said lighting the blunt.

" plus my face still hurts" she said crying.

" baby I'm sorry I won't do it again" I said kissing her lips.

" im sorry too baby, I don't play about what's mines" she said looking at me dead in my eyes.

" and I don't play about mines" I said biting her lip.

She pulled away smoking her blunt .

" let me get a hit "

She passed it too me and looked at me smirking.

" you sexy when you do that shit daddy" she straddling my lap.

I passed it back to her and let my high take over.

We smoked three blunts together.

I was hungry and horny at the same time.

I looked at Mari as she bit her bottom lip looking at me.

I kissed her soft lips and deepened the kiss.

" Mmm" she moaned.

" I miss this"

" I know baby me too, I won't abandon you ever again"

" and I can get all kids I want " I asked smirking.

" you must gone push them out"

" Nevermind man" I said irritated she was already blowing my high.

" I'll give how ever many kids you want baby but not right now, let's at least wait until the three Wanna be triplets get older " I nodded my head understanding her point.

" that's fine with me"

" good now take me to the bed one and make love to me" she said leading me to our room.

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