Chapter 28

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Amari :

I walked down the hall to see our parents, I hugged them and we went to go sit down in the court room.

" how you holding up baby" Darion's mom asked .

" I'm hurting but I'm going to get through it " she nodded her head.

His dad and my dad , hugged me tightly, and help me sat down.

We was right behind Darion, and Devon, Derrick , Mishon, Queta , showed up 2 minutes after.

" where's Amanda " I asked all
Of them

" daycare"

" why the hell you putting her in day care " I asked .

" shut up Mari it's only for one day"

" after this one day she going to get enrolled in school"

" she's only three "

I shrugged my shoulders.

" and she's really smart to be a three year old " I said and turned around.

The judge came to the stands.

" All rise" the officer said . We stood up .

" be seated "

My heart was beating out of my chest.

" I hear by you having possession of Cocain Mr.Moore " Darion didn't say anything, he just looked at her.

The lawyers came into a fight.

" my client, here was not at home at the time when we was accused of having cocaine he was with his fiancé " the judge nodded her head.

" are you sure cause last time I check my records he was at home that morning" the other lawyer said .

" Yes, I'm sure, b-"

" no buts Mr. Guns " the judge said. I wanted to fuck the judge up , I don't like that bitch.

" from all my circumstances, I pronounce Mr.Darion Terrell Moore guilty" a tear fell from my cheek, I looked at the lawyer I hired. Looks like he was going to shit his pants but I wasn't going to to do anything to him, I know he tried.

" i sentence him 10 years without parol, you are now dismiss" she said getting up.

I Walked over to Darion and hugged him. While the officers tried to get me off of him.

I cried into his shirt.

" I love you baby, the both of you" he said looking at me in my eyes.

" I love you too" I said kissing him deeply as his tongue roam inside my mouth.

" that would be enough" the officer said. I kissed him one last time, while they escort him out of the room.

"Mrs. Moore I-im so-"

" no need to Apologize Guns, you tried and thank you, I'm not going to do anything too you"
I hugged him and walked out to my car and cried and cried.

Ten fucking years without dick and my kids not being around their father, I'm not having that.

I cranked up my car and headed home.

I been to the doctor, and visiting Darion every chance I get. The doctor said I can deliver any day now, and I want Darion to be there.

Darion POV:

" Moore you have a visitor " I been in this shit whole for damn near 3 weeks. Niggas been looking at me wrong, I just want to get out of here, it's nasty, I miss my bed. People trying to fight me. It's so much.

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