Chapter 1

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We went directly to the Hokage's office, and he looked at me thoughtfully.  "So... you've finally returned?"

I crossed my arms.  "Of course,  I have a graduation to attend."

He pretended to shuffle some papers around.  "You could've come sooner."

I shrugged.  "I was exiled,  Hiruzen."

He raised an eyebrow.  "You we-"

I raised a hand.  "I came back on the terms agreed upon 4 years ago... those are the only ones I accepted."

He sighed.  "Still disrespectful,  I see."

I nodded.  "I explained what my respect comes with, old man, and I'm sure you checked if it was true."

He lowered his gaze.  "Yes..."  I tuned him out as I saw Ibiki headed toward the interrogation building.  "Chihiro... Chihiro?"

I blinked at him.  "Yeah..."

He frowned.  "I was saying you have a week after the graduation to remain."

I tilted my head.  "Thank you."  I could tell he wanted to say more, but I was getting restless.  "Old Man, can I go now?"

He sighed again.  "Come see me tomorrow when you're less distracted."

I nodded and turned to my entourage.  "I'll see you guys later.  I have someone to see."  Hinata and Ryo nodded,  but Minato tried to say something.  I was gone before he could and rushed in the direction Ibiki went.

I extended my mind to his when I saw his back.   Hello, Sensei.

He tensed for a step and continued.  It's not safe here, Chihiro.

I caught up to him.  Aw, come on, is it safe for me anywhere, really?

He glanced at me.  But this...

Is exactly where I need to be.

He inwardly sighed.  You look good, kid.

Compared to last time I saw you, sure.  He paused as I felt a flare of anger. Ibiki... there was nothing anyone could've done.  I'm happy you were there to help with the aftermath.

He sighed.  "I know."  I took that as my queue to exit his mind.  "No extra interrogations this time."

I shrugged.  "You know why... let's not get too comfortable."  He nodded and watched as he went into the building.  Ibiki... I feel my experience hurts you worse than your own.

I began to walk aimlessly when I felt someone coming fast.  I sidestepped and watched an orange ball stumble before righting himself, grinning madly.  "Sis! You've come home!"

I smiled at him.  "As promised, Little Bird."

He pouted.  "I'm not little anymore."

I hugged him and felt envious that he was my height already.  "You may outgrow me, but you will always be my little bird."

He blushed before quickly returning the hug and backing away.  "Have you eaten?"  I shook my head and was dragged to the most obvious place for food.  "Two miso ramen!"

Teuchi turned and beamed.  "Coming right up, Naruto.  It's good to have you back, Chihiro."

I nodded when a shout came from behind me.  "Really dobe?"

I turned to Sasuke.  Wow... the resemblance is uncanny.  "How have you been, Sasuke?"

His face was cold, but his eyes gave away his emotions.  "Good."

I giggled and hugged him.  "I missed you too, Little Brother."

He blushed just as Naruto did.  Boys are strange...  "Hn."

I face palmed.  "Not you too..."  That earned me a small smirk, but I looked behind him to see two girls staring daggers at me.  "Your friends?"

He didn't bother turning.  "No."

I shrugged, and three bowls of ramen were placed in front of us.  I barely took a bite before Naruto ordered another, making me look at him, astonished.  "Naruto! Don't put the man out of business."

He gave me a cheeky grin.  "He has all the business he needs with just me."

I shook my head and ate slowly.  "How have you two been, seriously?"

They shared a glance.  "We've been fine, Sis.  We'll even finish the Academy in a few days.  That's why you're here, right?"

I nodded.  "I made you two a promise."

Sasuke thought a moment.  "And we all get to test our strength.  Where's Hinata?"

I shrugged.  "Probably with Shisui somewhere or Minato."

He looked into his bowl.  "Itachi is on a mission, but he left this for you."  He handed me a paper.  "Uh... he said, "Read it alone..."

I blinked at him.  "Just tell me what it says."

He shook his head.  "I can't... not that I tried, but he sealed it so..."

I put it in my pocket.  "Thank you."

Naruto suddenly jumped up.  "You may be here for your birthday!  If they let you stay long enough..."

I thought for a moment.  "Yeah, I guess so..."

He beamed again.  So much energy...  "We'll plan something special!"

I tilted my head.  "Why?"

He pouted.  "We haven't celebrated since you left."

I smiled.  "Just don't overdo it, okay?  Sasuke, how are your parents?"

He shrugged.  "Okay."

I nodded and stood.  "Then, I'll be off.  Have a few more stops to make.  We'll see about that fight after you graduate."  They both nodded, and I left, passing the girls from before.

The blonde one stood in front of me.  "Hey, what's your name?"  I began to search my brain for where I recognized them.  "I'm talking to you."

I gave her a careless look.  "You're the Yamanaka child, right?  I suggest you move."

She looked surprised.  "Well... what is your relationship with Sasuke?"

I rolled my eyes.  "Fangirls..."  I walked past her, and she was furious.

The pinkette spoke next.  "You're too old for him anyway."  I kept walking inwardly laughing.  I'm happy I was never like that...

Me too... not that you look a day over ten... besides a few things.

Let's not, Kurama.

I walked into the Uchiha compound and was greeted with a lot of smiles.  Strange...  I was about to knock when the door opened.  "Ah! Chihiro!"

I smiled at the woman I had come to accept as my second mother.  "Mikoto... it's been a while."

She beamed.  "Too long."  I was ushered into the house and looked over.  "You look great."

I scratched my cheek.  "Better than last time, I'm sure."

She hugged me.  "As long as you are okay.  Have you eaten?"

I smiled.  Do I look like I'm starving?  "Just finished eating with the boys."

She pulled me into the kitchen.  "You're so small. You really should eat more.  I'll make you something to take with you."

I inwardly sighed.  "I eat plenty.  Has Shisui come by?"

She shook her head.  "He sent word he'd come, but he's doing something first."

I tilted my head.  He's hiding something... 

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