Chapter 4

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I was tuning out the kids bickering when Minato finally showed up. "If this is what you two call training... Hinata is going to kick their asses." They both glared at me. "What? It's true."

Minato shook his head. "Such dirty language from a 15 year old."

I shrugged. "Almost 16."

Itachi frowned. "Their training is fine, and they are kids."

I rolled my eyes. "About to start taking missions as genin."

Minato thought for a moment. "So, Hinata?"

I looked at the sky. "Was protected in all things, but she knows the dangers of the shinobi world. She is no stranger to death."

"She's killed before."  There was regret in his voice.

I nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. We avoided it for as long as we could, but... circumstances required it of her."

Minato looked at me curiously. "Circumstances?"

I shrugged. "It was bound to happen eventually."

He sighed. "One day, they will have to deal with it, too." He looked over at the boys sadly.

I gave him a sideways glance. "It's the way of the shinobi... to maintain a relative peace, Minato. Also, to protect those we love and care about." When?

Two years ago, she never wavered in the decision before or after the fact. Itachi slightly nodded. "Sasuke, that's enough for today."

The boys turned to us, smiling. She'll demolish them, I'll have to tell her to go easy on them.

"We'll see after graduation." I stood and greeted the boys as they ran up to us.

Naruto beamed. "So, what do you think, Sis?"

I scratched my cheek. "You're training is... interesting, but you still have a ways to go."

Sasuke was watching me intently. "Hinata stand a chance?"

I shrugged. "We'll see. Let's get out of here." I felt something sinister in the wind. Do you feel that?

I felt him go on alert. Yeah. Minato glanced at us, and we nodded, disappearing and going toward the direction of the presence. Be careful.

I nodded and activated my Byuakugan. "Oh... well..." Itachi looked at me curiously as we landed in front of a man I was more than familiar with. He's... blue. He was right. He was tall and built with blue skin and hair and gills.

I smirked. "Kisame, what are you doing in my neck of the woods?" You know him?

He smiled, revealing his sharp teeth. "Scouting is the current mission." I know a lot of people.

I tilted my head. "For?" Hn.

He shrugged. "The Nine Tails Jinchuriki is said to be here, or this is where it last was. Who's your friend?"

I clicked my tongue. "Now, Kisame, let's not change the subject."

He scratched his head. "Well... is it here?"

I shrugged. "Haven't seen or heard of the Nine Tails in twelve years. The Leaf no longer has it."

He frowned. "That makes my job harder."

I nodded. "But it keeps you from having to track me down... now, anything new?" His gaze fell on Itachi. "He can be trusted."

He looked back at me. "A new member never showed up, so of course Pein is mad, but you can get those details from him."

I nodded. "That's my fault, I'll make him aware. Where's Zetsu? I miss my old friend."

He shrugged. "He's everywhere, but I have no idea the exact places right now."

I looked past him. "Tell him we need to talk. Also, I assume I took away your partner."

He smiled. "I prefer it this way anyway. You did me a favor."

I smiled back. "Good, be on your way. Your chakra is attracting attention."

He lingered, looking back at Itachi. "You seem interesting..." Itachi stared at him blankly. "Well, if you're hanging around her, take care of my girl, will ya?"

I frowned. "Kisame..."

He smiled again. "Okay, okay, no fighting today." He turned to leave. "Not like you need taking care of anyway."

I shook my head. "Ready to go back?"

Itachi was watching Kisame leave. "How do you know him?"

I smiled. "Someone I met along the way."

He raised an eyebrow. "You don't seem bothered that he's searching for you."

I shrugged. "The Akatsuki is planning something with the tailed beasts. I expect no less, but if it comes to a fight... I'm looking forward to it."

He looked at me curiously. "He seems strong."

I smirked. "I'm not sure whether to be offended or not. You don't think I'm strong?"

He thought for a moment. "I only know you as Chihiro, so I don't know..."

I tilted my head. "We held back when we fought, so I don't know about you either, Itachi." We walked back to the village, and I got curious. "Would you fight me for real?"

He blinked down at me. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I don't know why we would, but we haven't since we were kids. We were always evenly matched..."

He looked ahead. "Hopefully, it'll never come to that." I didn't comment as we met up with the others.

Naruto pouted. "Where'd you two go?"

I smiled. "Just taking care of some business."

He puffed his cheeks. "What business?"

I ruffled his hair. "I'm here now, Little Bird, no worries."

He crossed his arms. "You're right because when I become a ninja, I'll be the one protecting you."

I smiled. "Let's pass your final exams first." Minato, has he learned his clones yet?

Minato was surprised by the sudden intrusion. No.

I inwardly sighed. Shadow clones, Kurama's chakra doesn't work well with normal ones.

He frowned. A forbidden jutsu.

I shrugged. Only for those who don't have the chakra to spare... he has plenty.

Minato thought for a moment. "Naruto, I think your sister has a jutsu that'll help you with the exams." Naruto's face lit up. Really? You could have done it yourself.

He chuckled. It was your idea.

I rolled my eyes. Thanks for nothing, Old Man.

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